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Online Marketing Ideas for Small Business

Ready to transform your business, your profits and your life? The simple answer is that you can. No matter what you sell, there are thousands of potential buyers looking to spend money with you.

Start a blog
Starting a blog is an excellent way of engaging your existing audience as well as attracting new customers. However, blogs do take time and patience so only start one if you have the time to put into it.

Shopping comparison websites
Examples: Price Grabber, Kalka, Google Product Search
Description: Not technically just for local marketing but you can list your products for free, with customers often able to search and compare products by location.

Business Review Websites
Consumers often turn to websites like Yelp in order to find out if a business in their local area is good or not. Consumers often review customer service that they were provided, product selections and other aspects of businesses around their local area.

Copying the competition
Don’t think that you’re competitors know what they’re doing. Just because they’re advertising in a publication or magazine doesn’t mean that it’s working. Don’t be a follower – usually the chances are that advertising elsewhere will be more effective.

Social Media
Social media is one of the easiest and most effective ways to bring online attention to your business. Of course Twitter and Face book are free and they both allow you to choose who you connect with, so if you’re only marketing to local people, you can keep it that way.

RSS & Newsletter Marketing
Don’t trust yourself only in RSS feeds. A lot of users are “old-school” and prefer e-mail newsletters. Always offer this option.

Another good newsletter tactic is to offer a periodical e-mail digest with the top stories in a certain period. A week, a month etc. Maybe some of your visitors missed a few interesting posts/articles.

Use Twitter to Get More Online Traffic
Twitter marketing, done right, can send thousands of visitors to your site with one short message. If you like fast results then you will love it when you join Twitter and can quickly build a targeted group of followers. It helps you connect directly with your prospects and customers in order to get the most out of your business. At the push of a button you can run a promotion or send share an inspiration quote with your Twitter followers.
Online small business marketing is one of the most lucrative avenues as appose to leveraging the offline old school advertising and marketing techniques like Magazines, Direct Mail, Newspapers, Yellow Pages bill boards you can now create a greater long lasting impact with …

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