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Three Marketing Plan Outlines That Actually Work

For individuals familiar with the internet marketing world, they are no doubt familiar with the unlimited supply of marketing plan outlines that promise unlimited wealth in a very short period of time. Does such a thing actually exist? Is it possible to make loads of income using a proclaimed secret model that can be sold for as much money as is costs to take the family out to dinner? Hardly.

Promises in the Internet Marketing (IM) world abound and for individuals purchasing get-rich-quick schemes or e-books, disappointment is always soon-to-follow in that these products always contain the same re-hashed dogmatic beliefs learned from the previous generation of “IM’ers” who never made any money using that system. Many want-to-be internet marketers buy promise after promise and jump from marketing plan outline to marketing plan outline only to be disappointed by their failure to make the big bucks that they were promised under the system they purchased.

That being said, there are three marketing plan outlines that actually do work and can be followed by anyone looking to try their hand at IM. The nice thing is that you do not have to purchase and expensive guide or system to make these work. Additionally, these marketing plan outlines fall under three categories.

Domain flipping. Just as real estate in the non-virtual world has value, so too does real estate in the virtual world. Any and all domain names have the potential to be monetized. The only question is, what is the potential of a certain domain. For the most part, domain names that contain keywords and more specifically, long-tail niche keywords may contain substantial value. Many internet marketers follow a simple plan.

They purchase domain names and simply turn around and sell them for a profit. Key to the flipping of virtual real estate, just as in the world of non-virtual real estate, is the ability to recognize the value-potential of a certain property. In this regard, experience is key.

Product specific review sites. Niche sites are all of the rage. New and exciting products surrounded by buzz emerge all of the time. For that reason, review sites are usually very quick to spring up shortly thereafter. The key in this case, of course, is to buy a domain name with both the product name and the word review in it. Unique visitors are pre-qualified in that they are already interested in the product and are simply looking for someone to encourage them to take the plunge and purchase the product. This is where an affiliate link for that product encouraging them to buy it now would most likely be profitable. Just remember to follow copyright laws when deciding on a domain name as many product names are copyrighted.

List building. This is probably the most used marketing plan outline and it is not only used by internet marketers, it is used by any and all varieties of traditional brick and mortar business also. List building involves the setting up of a website, the consistent addition of fresh and valuable content so as to attract targeted prospects via search engine traffic. Then on each and every page of the website, a free opt-in offer is always present tempting visitors to join the company’s mailing list. If the visitor subscribes, then they receive valuable information and offers on a consistent basis giving the list owner the ability to up-sell over and over again via email.

Of course, there are details about each of these plans that were not covered here. Each of these marketing plan outlines can be finely tuned and mastered. Just remember, if you see an informational product that promises “riches” in a “set amount of time” simply using a “proven system” of “piece of software”, avoid wasting your hard earned money on it. It is OK to spend your money on tools and assets for your business. Just avoid spending it on “systems”. There are plenty of FREE marketing plan outlines out there than can teach you everything you need to know.


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