Consultancy General Inbound

5 Free Business Card Advertising Ideas That Pack a Punch

Business card advertising doesn’t have to be expensive. You can make them yourself and avoid the high cost of creating and printing. Make them with some software on your own computer, and have fun creating at the same time. Another idea would be to get some made at vistaprint.com. You can get 250 made up for free.

Now that you know that creating business cards won’t break the bank, what about advertising? Where and how will you use them to promote your business effectively? And also do it for free? Some ideas are as follows. Yes, the ideas below are absolutely free of charge to get your work in front of others.

Restaurants – Don’t let your tip be the only thing you leave your waitress. Leave your business card as well. Always offer something for free, whether it be from visiting your place of business or website. Voice your freebies. Everyone appreciates free!

Hotels – When you’re vacationing, you of course leave your maid a tip, at least most people do, or should. Bored maids WILL read business cards, I guarantee it!

Public Restrooms – This is the perfect place to leave your cards for others to see. You can place a few on the sink countertops as well as in the stalls. You read stuff on those walls all the time, why not business cards!? You could tape them on the wall or leave a few on top of the toilet paper dispenser.

Day Care Facilities – The high cost of these places are forever rising! Most brick and mortar working Moms are consistently searching for an alternative to the outside-the-home work place. These places are excellent for leaving a generous stack of your work at home business cards.

Public Libraries – For libraries, politely ask the owner if you could continuously keep their front desk supplied with your cards.

In addition, the below idea would work extremely well if your business is work at home. These are hard economical times! Skim over the home business section and discreetly leave your cards in a few books.

As you can see, free business card advertising ideas are fairly easy to come by! Be creative, and I bet you could come up with more.

Article Written By Tammy Embrich
Tammy has been successful in the work at home industry for many years. She is an Internet Marketer, Article Marketer, and Ghostwriter. She offers free job leads for the job seeker, as well as other work at home resources, work at home articles, tips, and more at http://www.onestopwebemployment.com
You can also find Tammy at http://www.real-wah-jobs.com, offering legitimate work at home companies, more free job leads, work at home articles, and much more.