Consultancy General Inbound

Mediasophia Announces New Social Media Campaigns for Cosmetic Surgeons

New York, NY (PRWEB) April 11, 2013

Mediasophia, an internet marketing firm based in New York City and West Palm Beach is pleased to announce a new social media research and development team that creates campaigns designed specifically for cosmetic surgeons and clients in the beauty industry. This research and development team oversees facebook, Google+, Twitter, Youtube and other accounts for the company’s cosmetic surgeon clients. The team creates unique custom pages, visuals, videos, and viral writings designed to generate new followers and expand the brands of its clients.

Social media is an important component of internet marketing. The culture of contemporary society includes online communication through social media on a regular basis. The term viral refers to the method by which information is shared. Like an airborne virus that spreads across the room, the city, the country and the world, so does information on the web. Potential patients are investigating and seeking out opinion and referrals for doctors on the internet. When a person is considering having a cosmetic procedure they will spend many hours online investigating procedures and learning as much information as they can about the work they are considering having done. Social media comes into play when they are ready to find their surgeon. It is imperative that doctors in this industry have a profile that accurately reflects their success.

Mediasophias marketing campaigns create a strong profile for clients making use of social media forums to engage in conversation, share knowledge, introduce special promotions and enhance the reputation of the the surgeons its representing. Along with highlighting special offers and alluring new patients, the new team will ensure only positive discussion and postings are being shared on facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other sites like Yelp. This site monitoring to ensure each clients online identity is being protected and their professional standing reflects success is included in every campaign.

Mediasopohia is a full service internet marketing firm that specializes in online reputation management and search engine optimization (SEO). It markets top Google ranked cosmetic surgeons in progressive international cities that are dominating search engine results in competitive markets. For more information, visit mediasophia.com.

Consultancy General Inbound

Social Media Marketing Plans ? What’s Yours?

Let’s check out some stats first:


91% companies are utilizing at least one tool of Social Media

80% companies have fan pages on a networking site

65% companies blog

54% businesses monitor their feedbacks


While you are on Social Media, big percentage does not matter. How you do and what you do is what matters at the end. Out of these big percentages, only a handful are being successful in their campaigns. Why? What is that sets them apart from others who are not being able to perform on Social Media? Planning is the answer. Big brands like Ford, Startbucks and Marriott have been highly successful because of their planning abilities. Unless you have set goals and concrete Social Media marketing plans, you are in no position to succeed in Social Media. Come to think of it. How do you manage your other marketing campaigns? Even though Social Media marketing is worlds apart from other traditional marketing efforts, there is this one thing that is common – all marketing efforts need planning and correct strategies.


You need to understand the importance of Social Media marketing plans. Discuss the opportunities and pitfalls with your team. Ask yourself where your company stands and where you want to take it. Discuss how much engagement does your company needs to have with the target audience to achieve the set target.


Here are three Social Media marketing plans that are important for your company to consider:

You need to constantly assess the networking sites to check your company’s current status. It’s not easy on Social Media. You have to work smart, working too hard over it won’t fetch you any goal. Understand the baseline and work accordingly.

Look around for competition. Conduct a survey to find how many of your contenders are marketing on Social Media. Assess their Facebook page and tweets. This will help you get a good idea of how you should go about with your marketing efforts, and what are the changes you need to bring in to your strategies and plans.

When you are marketing on Social Media, it is a must that you set specific objectives. Who are your target audience? What is the kind of brand image that you want to create? How do you want to market your company, product or service? These are some of the important questions that you need to ask yourself and then plan accordingly.

The above three Social Media Marketing plans are essential for every business. Learn to use them methodically.

Sarah Dessen is a prolific writer who has authored several blogs and articles highlighting the importance of social media marketing plans. She has been associated with a reputed online marketing company since the past many years.

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Consultancy General Inbound

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Community Management

Social media marketing strategy is built around communities and represents the voice of your company online. Community managers are normally in charge of social media as they will run all the companies operations that are based around communities such as blogs and forum posting. Creating and building a community is about participating in conversations about your organisation as well as trying to lead conversations and create buzz. Social Media communities are made up of the biggest fans of the organisation, and it provides an environment where they can interact directly with the organisation and provide valuable information and customer insights allowing you to make a variety of improvements to your business.

Customer Service

Social media marketing strategy can also be used as a customer service channel. People are becoming far more willing to make transactions online and therefore expect an organisation to respond to any queries they might have about that specific transaction. Some customers find that service online is far more efficient than dealing with customer service via telephone. The reason for this is that an organisation does not want to have any unresolved customer complaints on their Facebook or Twitter pages as this looks like they don’t care about their community. Another advantage for using social media for customer support is members of the community are able to assist each other with any technical problems that they have encountered.

Online Reputation Management

Online reputation management is becoming increasingly popular as a digital marketing tactic.

This is due to the fact that brands are starting to realise that mentions of their brand weather they are negative or positive are just a click away. Social media allows an organisation to respond very quickly to any mentions about their brand. Extensive keyword research and planning allows your brand to own searches on any brand mentions.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Social media marketing strategy is playing an increasingly important role in the practice of SEO. It allows further optimisation of your digital assets, meaning you stand a greater chance of ranking higher on Google’s SERP pages. Links, likes and shares are being given more weight recently with regards to SEO.


There will always be advertising when there is an audience. Brands like advertising on social media because of the large amounts of time people tend to spend on it. There are great demographic targeting opportunities due to the internet’s measurable nature. This is mostly based on the profile information that is provided by the user or the way in which they interact online


Justin wrote this article after doing research on marketing strategy and integration technology

Consultancy General Inbound

RKG Releases Q1, 2013 Digital Marketing Report

Charlottesville, VA (PRWEB) April 09, 2013

RKG, a leading full-service digital marketing agency, released its Digital Marketing Report covering the first quarter of 2013 today. The report found consumers used tablets and smartphones to conduct 25% of their online searches in Q1, a notable post-holiday uptick from the 20% level RKG observed for the previous quarter.

For the first time, RKG found search traffic for desktop and laptops declined year over year, with clicks down 0.7%. However, as consumers have shifted their searches to tablets and smartphones, total click growth remained robust at 15%.

In order to reach this rapidly growing audience, advertisers have increased their spending on tablet and smartphone search ads by a combined 171% on a year over year basis. Tablet investment was up 162%, while smartphone spending increased 190%. Overall, search spending increased 24% in Q1, with mobile cost-per-click continuing to close the gap with desktops.

Shoppers Using Tablets to Buy, But Not at Same Rates as Computers

Although more consumers are moving toward shopping with tablet devices, tablets generated 15% lower revenue per click than traditional desktops and laptops. Once a high-converting demographic, the value of tablet traffic has fallen as lower-priced Android models have gained traffic share, but generate a revenue per click that is less than half that of the iPad.

Download the full report at:


The full RKG Digital Marketing Report offers over 40 charts with additional insights and analysis on paid search, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, comparison shopping engines, multi-channel attribution and more. RKG senior leadership is available for interviews and deeper discussions of the data presented.

Among their published first quarter results, RKG found:

Consultancy General Inbound

Social Media Marketing Agency

You all are very well aware of the relevance and growing importance and popularity of Social Media Marketing. It is really very powerful and as well as profitable. With the Internet arising into an ever-more supreme force for both the Business and the consumer, in today’s world of Business its mission severe for your Website even to be found. And then you like it to found before your Business competitor’s is found. You require partnering with a popular Marketing consultancy that is full grown, knowledgeable and experienced in all Digital Marketing Strategies.

Although there are lot of other Social Media Marketing Networks which includes Twitter, Facebook and Plaxo to name a few, you have found LinkedIn, which acc to a latest Press Release has more over 80 million users in over 200 countries, to be the most precious from a B2B Insurance Agency Social Media Marketing view. Now LinkedIn provides Pay Per Click or PPC Advertising campaigns, which if focused in the right way and supervised, can as well successfully increase an Insurance Agency Marketing plan for the year 2011. Although with this prospect of LinkedIn is not for free at all, a comparatively modest budget can bear some substantial opportunities.

The Marketing World in the virtual community is apparently prescribed with the capability of a Business or even Social Media Marketing Agency to use the various Social Networks which populate it. Some of the most popular Websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Multiply, MySpace, Friendster, Technorati, Digg and many others give up Online users to the divergent links possessed by Websites attempting to generate hits.

Any Social Media Marketing Agency must be very well aware that in order to be aggressive amongst others in the Virtual setting, some of the key elements must be present. More than a separate Marketing entity, an Agency would denote an organized and systematic set of parts running accordingly to be effective. Much like any functioning and working Gadget, components function very differently from each other, even so they all jointly bestow to a very well operated item.

The fortune of a Social Media Marketing Agency lies on the level of competency of each and every part to operate according to its intention and design. Although it is possible to admit on the role multiple areas, it is really great to have disparate people to increase the work output.

Social Media has been the primary method for Online Marketers to advertize their stuff. YouTube, MySpace you name it, Social Media Marketing Agencies use them to increase their exposure and elaborate their network on the far side the first level referrals. Without any proper strategy, any of the Social Media Marketing Agency would have a difficult time becoming off the ground.

You all are very well aware of the relevance and growing importance and popularity of Social Media Marketing. Get More People to Your Shows, Market and Manage your business online and Make More Money in the Business. For more information please contact us at – http://hypegenius.com

Consultancy General Inbound

Social Media Marketing Plan for Your Business


The world of social media marketing is changing the way that people do business, and you need to have a great social media marketing plan if you want to succeed. The older methods of advertising for a company or business have changed, and you no longer pass out fliers to get people to come to an event. Instead you have to get on the internet, advertise as much as you can, and connect to as many people as possible. Creating a plan will help you get all of your social media ventures started, and also help you keep on top of everything. 
The first thing to do is open a Facebook account. You want to put all of the information that applies, and plenty of appealing pictures to your product of business. Then start connecting to as many people as you know, and then others that pop up. You want to have as many members as possible. From there you want to have the people like certain things, or the company. For instance, you can have an event going on and invite a group of people to attend. Allow them to invite people to attend, and before you know it you have reached out to hundreds or thousands of people. 
Create a twitter account, and just like with Facebook you can try to get several followers. You can put daily posts about what is going with sales or product displays and more. Constant tweeting about what is going on is going to gain a lot of attention, and people are going to have your business or product on the top of their minds. Linkedin and Google are other profiles you want to have. Link all of your accounts together by putting “connect with us on …” on the different social media networking sites. 
Lure people in with these sites, and send them to your company website. You company website is just as important as the other sites, and you want to be sure that the site is user friendly, neat, and without advertisements. Put information about discount items on your Facebook or twitter, with a link to the site where the products are. Offer coupon links on the social media sites to direct more clients to print off the coupons, and then they will come into the store. Not only is the social media networking going to get people’s attention on their computers, but on their mobile devices as well. 
Encourage people to sign up for mobile alerts, and then they can get coupons on their phones. This may bring in a lot of extra clientele that is in the area, or encourage people to check out your services.  The more they see your organization when they log onto their favorite networking sites, and the more they see products and coupons, the more likely they will be to take an interest in you. Every day you want to continue to get new friends, followers and fans to help your business grow. 
Create a social media marketing plan of how you are going to set up all of these accounts, and what time of the day you are going to update them all. Keeping everything from your website to your twitter up to date is very important, so appoint someone with the responsibilities and get started today.

James Livingston is a Facebook advertising and social media marketing expert. For more great tips on creating a social media marketing plan, visit his website, the Facebook Advertising Center.

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Consultancy General Inbound

Local Small Business Marketing

People as a whole are becoming much less concerned with doing business online. In a city like Boston, where competition is high in every industry anyway, this is especially important.

This may be why there are so many Internet marketing company Boston links. Online marketing is so essential in a large metropolitan city like Boston that the experts can’t help themselves. They have to go where the clients are.

Businesses in Boston should take this as a clue. You want to get with the best online marketing company Boston has to offer in order to get your name out in the local market.

Without using an Internet marketing company Boston has proven legitimate, you have less of a chance of truly going global with your brand message. Search engines and social media algorithms today frowned upon businesses that try to market to a global audience without first creating a local buzz. Any Internet marketing company Boston uses with any regularity should know this and be able to advise you accordingly.

Online marketing is now more localized than it ever was. As a Boston business, you need that Boston with traffic, those Boston Facebook likes, and those Boston fingers clicking on your links in search engines. Believe me, the search engines know the difference. If the search engines know the difference, any online marketing company Boston uses should know the difference as well.

Putting effective ads on the Web means learning a different perspective on online marketing as well. The Internet marketing company Boston uses will tell you that an effective ad is optimized for the search engine as well as the human eye.

The online marketing company Boston loves will be able to help you optimize the ad.

The modern search engine algorithm is doing everything that it possibly can to emulate a human visitor. This means that you should “act” more naturally when you put an ad on the Web. If it is appealing to a human visitor, it will probably be more appealing to a search engine algorithm. This means higher placement in the search engine rankings, which means that more people will get to see the ad.

Multivariate testing is invaluable in determining what keywords to optimize your ads for. You must also know exactly what your competition is doing at any given time. They will obviously be trying to optimize their sites for the same keywords, or for keywords that are tangential. Make sure that you get the right online marketing company Boston based so that you can fight back with your own ads.


Marc Mantel is the owner of the website and writes articles for his own website .for Further details about Adwords and Online Marketing please visit the website.

Consultancy General Inbound

Small Business Marketing Ideas

So you want to be able to market your business over the Web? With so many different marketing campaigns offered, finding the right small business marketing ideas can be confusing. There will be hundreds of local companies that will offer you several marketing tips and strategies, but wouldn’t it feel great to start working on these on your own?

Some small business owners are led to believe that online marketing is as simple as surfing the Web. It may be an easy and simple process, but because of the stiff competition among businesses, it can be a lot more difficult to succeed. It seems like everyone is trying to do the next best thing! We want to be ahead of the curve, so being able to think of small business marketing ideas is key.

If you are new to the world of online marketing, the term SEO may not be familiar to you. Search engine optimization is a critical tool in helping get more traffic to your website. This is done by means of creating effective keywords and being able to expand your network. Finding your niche will also be crucial here: if you have been involved in sales for a while now, you know that being able to target your niche market is important. Niche keywords for SEO will also help you get more clicks from potential customers. Once you are able to set this up, you will start to see your site rank higher on the search engine scale, and before you know it, you can be on the first page.

Another small business marketing idea would be to make use of email. Email marketing has become a lot more personal, almost communicating to an individual rather than just a group of customers. Being able to create newsletters and ads that are sent to direct emails have also been beneficial.

Do you have a Facebook account? With over 500 million users and growing, the social media craze has also been gobbled up by small and large business markets. Aside from being able to find new potential customers, small business owners can join specific groups that cater to their niche. Your clients will be able to see specific updates from your business and at the same time, you can get to know people who work in the same industry.

Small business marketing today has been less about the product and more about the customer. The more that we are able to understand our customers’ needs, the better we can serve them and provide goods that they will actually want and love!

Ultimate Business Marketing is a small business online resource centre providing online and offline marketing techniques that will grow your business. Propel your business and profits now and Visit Visit UltimateBusinessMarketing.com

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Consultancy General Inbound

Online Marketing Com

New York, NY (PRWEB) April 07, 2013

Online marketing company Ajax Union will host a business networking event on April 11, 2013, at the W Hotels Lilium Lounge, located at 201 Park Avenue South at 17th Street, New York, NY 10003. The event will run from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and bring together the citys leading business professionals for a networking opportunity. With staff members on hand to offer expert advice and a great setting for making connections, Ajax Union events have enjoyed a long history of consistently strong attendance. The April networking event promises to be just as popular, so the company recommends that interested individuals RSVP in advance through the companys Business Events NY Meetup group at http://www.Meetup.com/BusinessEventsNY.

Our series of networking events has been one of our most successful programs to date. Participants have not only given us rave reviews, theyve returned month after month to meet new people and develop their own networks. This time, were offering a special bonus for the first 100 attendees to arrive. We recommend New York business leaders register and arrive early, said Elle Spektor, coordinator of the events for the online marketing company.

Ajax Unions business networking events have built a community of smart and savvy business professionals. Each month, returning networkers and newcomers unite to collaborate on future projects, share tips and tricks from their industries, and add new contacts to their lists. Throughout 2012, Ajax Union networking events regularly reached capacity, and the internet marketing agencys March 2013 event included more than 200 attendees.

As a boutique online marketing firm, Ajax Union offers its clients services ranging from social media management to press release writing and editing to pay-per-click advertising setup. All Ajax Union plans emphasize transparency: Ajax clients can see all the work they request as it is completed and have frequent opportunities to share feedback. In addition, the companys contracts are flexible and operate on a month-to-month basis, so clients do not need to commit to long-term service plans. Ajax Union also creates helpful tools for online marketing, such as its keyword research utility, RankZen.

Customers can find out more about Ajax Union by visiting http://www.AjaxUnion.com, calling 1-800-594-0444, or connecting with the company on Facebook and Twitter.

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Consultancy General Inbound

Social Media Marketing Strategies

So are you ready to start using social media but just are not sure how? Well you are not alone, in fact this is where the majority of businesses currently sit. They have heard about what social media can do for their business, they have done a little bit themselves, maybe even created a page BUT where to from here. How do we get thousands of followers, how do we get business from and how do we showcase our product or service.

Nowadays, a lot of companies are considering social sites as a new means of engaging with existing customers and attracting potential clients. With more than 1 billion users on just facebook, twitter and linkedin alone.

Here are a few tips in using Facebook as an effective tool in connecting with your customers.

Make a sound plan before implementing Facebook marketing.

Like with all other marketing campaigns and strategies in your business you need a plan, you need measurable targets and you need to know the return on your marketing dollar. Do not just go into social media marketing not knowing what you are going to do or what you expect out of it. Most importantly you need to learn and understand the different strategies and how to be competent in using such strategy to gain maximum impact.

Establish metrics and measure all your social media marketing efforts.

There are measurement tools available like Google analytics that help you track website user visit activity. Never make the mistake of going into a marketing campaign without knowing how to gauge the effectiveness of your efforts. Well on your fan page there are insights to show you how many new fans you are getting per day, how often they are coming to your page and how often they are interacting with you. These insights are the data you need to know how to measure the effectiveness of what you are doing and the tool to show you if you are getting a good return for the time, effort and dollars being spent.

Incorporate your social media with all the other channels that you use for marketing.

Cross integration is a must for businesses to be successful on social media. Your prospects, clients, customers and friends need to see your social media presence from a variety of different forms. Therefore places such as your website, email signatures, promotional material are all great spots to include links to your business fan pages and increase the number of people following you. Every opportunity you get to self promote your business and its community of followers should be taken.

Never assume that you know how to attract Facebook users and understand Facebook marketing simply because you are a Facebook user.

People who are on social media believe that their presence is enough to get people to follow and join their community. Unfortunately this is probably the biggest mis-conception around. There are tested and measured strategies to getting followers and strategies that should be used daily to continue growth. Businesses that are pro active in building their social media following will see results a lot quicker than those people sitting and waiting for others to come to them.

Avoid annoying customers and schemes that would give your brand a bad name.

Unfortunately in all walks of life there are people who have set their purpose to create trouble for others. This is not a large percentage but yes they do exist. Therefore you need to be weary of such people and schemes and just remove and ban such people from your pages. This is different to someone having a different option or a complaint against your business. Such opportunities should be used to show everyone else how you handle such events. It can be turned into a positive very quickly when dealt with correctly. Having followers that have different options to yourself can make the page interesting and the interaction actually helps to promote your page to others.

Social media marketing should be a part of all small businesses marketing plan. Getting onto social media and writing a few comments or showcasing a product or service or sale is not a marketing strategy and in fact it is a waste of time. You need to understand the strategies, implement them daily and have measurable goals and targets to test your success upon.
We hope that has given you a little more insight into not only the power of social media marketing for businesses but some ways that you can or tweak your own social media.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of My Small Business Marketing Guru, helping small business owners generate more leads, more clients and greater profits. Grab your free ‘Black Mask’ marketing resources when you visit http://www.mysmallbusinessmarketingguru.com.au

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