Consultancy General Inbound

Main Departments Of Any Social Media Marketing Agency

Social media marketing agencies are almost new member of the modern way of marketing and promotion of any business. Old ways of business development with the help of the print media, advertising etc is expensive and has limited reach. Internet market is cheaper than traditional marketing and through internet marketing you will be able to reach to a massive number of targeted consumes at a time. Social media marketing agencies are very helpful for promoting your business by launching your products or service advertizes to huge number of consumers at a lower cost than the traditional marketing methods.

Social media marketing agencies help in launching your business through internet marketing. Internet is the most used media by all kind of people now a day. Other than for educational information’s, internet is also used for transaction or business.Social media marketing agencies know the way to grab the targeted traffic to your business. They use some basic elements such as a website, blog pages, social book marking, email marketing etc. Five important parts make up such agencies. This article is going to provide some basic knowledge of the different parts.

The administrative department is one of the most important parts of any marketing agency. This department is the most pivotal part of the entire agency. As this department takes all the decisions of the company so they should have highly skilled employees.. There will be less chances of the agencies success if the administrative department has less skilled people. The main job of this department is to make all the other departments work together.

The marketing department forms the second most important part of the agency. By using the available tools in the website, the marketing department helps to promote your business front of the customers The success of an agency depends upon its strong marketing department.

Support group is another part of a social media marketing agency.The main activity of this department is to give all the answers to the questions of the potential customers. To give more clarity to the business the support group sometimes directly interacts with the potential customers.

The technical department brings feasibility to the business. To make any business website productive and profitable a good technical support is very important. Regular auditing is also important to evaluate per expected performance. The employees of the audit group should be skilled and have knowledge about the working of the other departments to rate their performances.

Whatever, by investigating Social media marketing agencies by the above criteria you can easily determine either the agency will be beneficiary for you or not. You can benefit from internet marketing only when you choose the right agency. A number of social marketing agencies are available in the market.

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Consultancy General Inbound

Effective Internet Marketing Services

Effective internet marketing has become a very important term, categorically with respect to websites and their promotions. The process has redefined marketing and opened up a brand new channel for doing online promotions and public relations. It has ensured that services, products and websites get unbelievable exposure in front of the world through the internet and the gamut of features available on it. Online internet marketing is reference towards the service which sets up the website in front of the whole web cosmos and provides it a very robust and sound dais to thrive and do business.


Business ventures can often be seen succumbing to the ever mounting pressure and go out of commission indefinitely.Internet marketing Services does not let that happen to the business which makes use of this service. It is a channel through which these businesses get promoted so out rightly that the consumer gets to know the product the moment he enters his favorite social network or forum. The services are all over the web. They are visible on forums, blogs and opinions sites in the form of words. They are visible on YouTube and MetaCafe in the form of promotional video footage. They are visible on Flickr in the form of videos. They are visible on social networking portals in the form of messages and disclaimers.


Online internet marketing covers the entire web spectrum. There is hardly any thread where the service under discreet promotion is not talked about.

There is hardly any community where traffic influx is high and the service is not discussed. There is hardly any portal where the whole thing does not get talked about. Wherever traffic is there, the topic gets talked about. Various channels within this channel are intermixed. They are dealt with a lot of passion and the effort is to simply ensure that the services go onto do a lot for the product that is being under the hammer for marketing.


The efficacy in the service has been seen time and again and has been evident with all the business that websites and products have done. The results are there to see and it can be firmly assumed that the website is indeed making a lot of money and hence, all the accolades and business propositions that it earns augur well for better things to flow in.


An effective internet marketing services campaign has the tendency to change the fortunes of the website. The kind of visibility and the phenomenal exposure in front of a wide web audience achieved ensures the website of good future prospects. Business comes in well and one does not even have to push hard for it. All in all, the power and clout that internet marketing wields still has to be tapped, though certain organizations across the world have indeed been smart enough to do the same. The results are brilliant, the usage has to be creatively done and in the end, it has to be ensured that the service brings in the results they should.



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Consultancy General Inbound

Pricing mechanism reform outline previews


Our country product prices within 20 raised, but industry the expected pricing mechanism of refined oil price adjustment and reform synchronization carry on the scene did not appear. To this, experts say, in the geopolitical crisis under the influence of the factors such as, recently volatile international oil prices, therefore, the current pricing mechanism is not on the best time to reform plan.
Reform or involved in aspects such as pricing cycle
So far, the domestic existing product oil pricing mechanism has reached three years, basic order of crude oil and product oil price relationship between domestic and ensuring stable supply market. But in the actual operation, also exposed some problems, such as pricing, introduce the long cycle time lag, the domestic product oil prices to respond to the international oil prices change, the pricing formula transparency lower.
Especially after last year, as the oil price has risen sharply, the domestic CPI increase pressure continuously increased, the national strengthening of the domestic product prices control efforts, oil prices adjust the frequency more and more slow, it also affected to some extent the normal operation of the pricing mechanism.
Therefore, the country began to research and improve product oil price mechanism of domestic reforms, it relates to “shorten the cycle, speed up the refiners refiners frequency; improve product prices operating method, increase pricing transparency”, etc. According to the oil system insiders has revealed that reform plan is already reported the second half of last year.
“Before actually two oil group and some other unit altogether has submitted more than a dozen pricing mechanism reform plan, which only oil is in the filed of 6.” A close to two big oil group to our reporter who said.
According to information, these programs involving pricing cycle, hook measures, the pricing formula, and other parameters of modifications.
And according to the relevant departments of the car DVD signal that the reform, the new pricing mechanism of the cycle will shorten the refiners, introduce rhythm faster, it will give the oil market speculation “store goods” increase the difficulty and help reduce market hype composition, reduce “human oil shortage” appear possibility.
In addition, the national development and reform commission experts also revealed that in the new pricing mechanism, the cheaper WTI prices will be included in the oil price reference of oil. It also means that our country product oil refiners refers to the three places crude oil prices may become four to crude oil prices.
For one year, WTI prices and brent oil prices remain a wide spread, the former than the latter currently low nearly 20 dollars a barrel. The industry think, if WTI prices from their reference, four of the average price of crude oil rose speed may be slowly.
“At the moment to be sure, the cycle will shorten the refiners, but pricing cycle unchanged; crude oil will increase the value of variety.” Zhuo and information to our reporter LvBin analysts yesterday said.
To outside of the concerns of reform launch time, ZhongYu information ZhangYongHao analysts pointed out that as countries to product oil pricing mechanism reform has already for a long time, the latest there will probably is the current pricing mechanism before the reform “finally when”. “We assume that the reform rules will be involved in the refiners cycle is shortened, and the change of the kinds of crude oil ports, etc. Another possible adjustment form or oil refining enterprise introduce the autonomy of enhance”.
Startup time still need to observe
For new product oil pricing mechanism reform continued failure to the cause of the startup, the industry generally thought that with the recent international oil prices “fever” relevant.
“At the moment, is not refined oil pricing mechanism of reform good time.” China’s energy nets chief information officer HanXiaoPing told the reporter, due to the geopolitical factors, the international oil prices high recently, which promote the reform of the pricing mechanism smooth. “In the oil price is lower than when oil prices high in the reform of better change.” Xiamen university Chinese energy, director of the center for economic research LinBoJiang professor feel the same view.
In fact, a refined oil pricing mechanism reform is in the 2008 financial crisis, the international oil prices tumbled under the background of the roll out.
On the other hand, the public also worry that the pricing mechanism reform oil refiners after speed up the frequency, will give the downstream industry has brought more frequent impact. To this, LinBoJiang think, domestic fuel prices, when adjustment should be done well for special groups supporting subsidies work. If the international oil prices to $ 130 a barrel above, according to China’s current oil pricing mechanism, domestic oil prices will no longer rises. In this case, the state can use tax cuts way, reduced consumption tax, in order to reduce the burden of the refinery, encourage their normal production. This is in abroad practice in the.
“Since this year in international oil prices high oil shocks, pricing mechanism reform faces dilemma: on the one hand, the new more international market change can reflect the backup camera product pricing mechanism, the domestic refiners out once more frequent, so could the relevant departments to consider the need to stabilize prices hesitated to launch new mechanism; on the other hand, if not out there, oil products, and often relatively lagging behind the oil does not reach the designated position, the losses of the enterprise, reduce production increased enthusiasm by supply shortages, there would still be in the possibility of the” oil waste “.” DongXiu achieve. Taken together, he thought that a new pricing mechanism to still need to launch.
AnXunSi breath energy analysts LiaoKaiShun excess argues that, “the price of crude oil, runs in high inflation pressure just fell back, a weak economy. Even if oil pricing mechanism to push out, also estimated to have to wait brent crude price fell to below $ 100 a barrel is possible.”

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Consultancy General Inbound

Internet marketing for small businesses

Internet is a fast changing world. The effect of these changes can be wide ranging for business. The first step to any internet promotion venture is to ensure that there is an optimized site. Search Engine Optimization means optimizing a site according to a search engine’s criteria. Meeting the challenge of boosting a web site high enough into the search engine rankings to be profitable can be difficult. Internet Marketing delivers and communicates messages. Keyword research is a very important aspect of an Internet marketing campaign.

Internet Marketing can be very flexible and specific. Search engine optimization is the primary tool of internet marketing whereby the website is designed in such a way that it finds top ranking by the search engines .The higher a Web site ranks in the results of a search, the more traffic is driven to that Web site. If one’s wanted to attract suitable web visitors, website promotion is success factor. Promoting a website is vital for website success. The most important thing that client wants is to promote my websitefor the preferred keywords on main search engine that ranks high.

To promote business on the internet the main strategies used are: search engine optimization or SEO, keyword research, website restructuring and internet marketing campaigns. Marketing is important to any business as that would bring in the visibility of the business and would also improve the sales. The challenges of restructuring a site that has been optimized for SEO are major. The importance of Internet marketing strategies has increased with the growth and importance of the Internet.

Search engine optimization will include optimizing content quality and volume and these optimizations will raise your website ranking with the search engines.

To succeed in web marketing one’s marketing must be strong enough to move a customer from the point of just attracting their attention to inspiring them to actually take action. Using Internet marketing to further the efforts of small business can be vastly rewarding.

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Local Search Marketing is Heating Up, My Local Leads Helps Local Business Dominate

Kennebunk, Maine (PRWEB) May 23, 2013

In April this year, the 2013 Local Search Associations annual conference was held in Las Vegas. With representatives from all over the world, there was a lot of discussion on where local search marketing is today and where it is headed tomorrow. Local business owners spend countless hours perfecting their craft and growing their business. It falls upon the professionals at My Local Leads to provide trusted guidance and support when trying to promote local companies through the use of modern marketing techniques and technologies.

This summer, My Local Leads is launching a number of brand new initiatives to better help small and medium US businesses get the phones to ring, get the leads, and grow their businesses. These unique offerings focus on specific aspects of search engine optimization, mobile marketing, and local search marketing. These specializations allow businesses owners to gain the benefit of experienced advisors and make the right choices when it comes to delegating the marketing budget. Local companies may want to focus on different areas of their branding such as video production, mobile website development, content creation, social media marketing, or a related item. Each of these things can be developed separately, although the expertise and specialization provided by My Local Leads makes it so that they each work together as parts of a cohesive branding and marketing campaign.

Key points to keep in mind when it comes to local search marketing include the old internet marketing adage of content is king. For years, people have worked at gaming the search engine algorithms to gain the best possible results without provided the end user what they actually wanted. Often, this is referred to as using black hat techniques, cheating in the internet marketing industry. Search engines including Yahoo, Bing, and Google have continued to modify their search engines in an effort to be most useful to consumers. The idea of having pertinent, interesting, and timely content on a website is paramount to higher rankings. The weight of this single facet continues to grow heavier and heavier while other techniques such as back linking and bookmarking have grown less important over time.

Social media has grown at such an exponential rate, no local business is complete without an effective social media marketing campaign. The benefit of social media in the way of Twitter hashtags, Facebook comments, Google Plus interconnectivity, and other tactics continues to increase. Social media is the traditional word of mouth and grassroots advertising taken to a whole new level.

Mobile devices have become the norm rather than the exception. More than 60 percent of consumers today look for local businesses on a mobile device. At the same time, the high quality and easily quantifiable analytics traditional to internet marketing and local search are not as effective with mobile marketing. With a website, return on invest (ROI) is measured with click through rates (CTR). With mobile media, what becomes more important is the consumer behavior after the initial landing. Consumers may look at a map and drive to the store or make note of the phone number to call when they get home. Those local search marketing teams that focus on offline conversions as well as online conversions have done quite well over the past year or so, as mobile search has more than quadrupled.

My Local Leads works to keep on top of the changes in mobile marketing and local search technology. Their years of experience benefit local companies around the nation and they are excited with the advancements being made in the industry. They are really looking forward to these new product launches as they will be able to provide highly diversified solutions for all variety of businesses and all manner of budgets.

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Advantages Of Social Media Marketing Services

Marketing is considered the backbone of businesses. Good businesses have become best based just on some effective marketing strategies. There is now huge competition between organizations on the different ways and means to advertise and promote their commodities in order to bring in and retain valuable consumer loyalty. Businesses are under continuous pressure to bring in new and innovative changes in their marketing strategies to maintain brand value. Technology over the years has played a major role in creating and amending techniques of advertising. Marketing has come to a level, in which only those who can manage to foresee the changes and implement have better chances of enduring.


Social media marketing is one such area that has made a huge impact on many businesses. Everyone has begun to acknowledge the importance of adapting to it. The concept of social media marketing mainly refers to the method of promoting business or websites by means of social media channels. It is an influential advertising approach that is re-defining the world of communication. It is one of the cut-price promotional schemes that use businesses with high volume of traffic. Social media marketing is an effective mode implemented by developing businesses for trading their products/services or just for circulating valuable material for ad returns.

Social media is a constructive gizmo, via which businesses are able to place information, product descriptions, promotions all entrenched in the series of networking. New and innovative proposals are being raised to reach out to prospective consumers. Almost all business organizations are assigning budget benchmarks for online trade expansion with social media marketing.


Social media marketing crafts a positive impression in the mind of its users.

It has consigned customary structures of marketing to lesser treads in the priority sequence. Progressively acknowledged as the most efficient process of marketing and advertising, social media optimization targets a well-defined consumer group. Considering the reach and extent of social media, more and more companies are joining the circle. Social media marketing services are particularly useful for beginners who have budgetary limitations. These systems of advertising are worthwhile and profitable and very advantageous for petite businesses.


Social media marketing services offer great opening to the promoters to bond with those who are ignorant about the business, brand or products and services. It is fastest and best form of marketing medium to tie with retaining and prospective clients. A good number of social media marketing groups recommend web services to the businesses in order to achieve targets.


Social media marketing techniques is a good means to share knowledge about the products and services. Marketing via social media gives a perfect platform to promote upcoming dealings and future product launches. Using these services, customers are up to date on the latest business expansions.

Social media marketing agencies use articles, blog posts, social posts and so on for notifying potential clients about their products and services. Most of the firms also take into service forces of guest bloggers in exchange of links. If the guest blogger is a celebrity, then that adds authority to the website. Social media advertising firms also use various blog proposals to generate forceful content for the guests.


Last but not the least, one of the vital qualities of social media marketing services is site building and link building.

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Benefits of Local Internet Marketing

Before moving on to understand the benefits of local internet marketing, let us first understand what it really means. Web marketing that is targeted through the use of tools such as Google Maps, Social Networking Websites and Web directories typically helps achieve local promotional goals. It is more relevant for businesses that wish to grow within the realms of geographical boundaries with the help of the internet.

Why must I focus on a Local market when I reach the World?

Believe it or not, in the long run you may realize that is a lot simpler to focus your website on your local business and drive a targeted traffic towards your website and physical stores as against developing pages that are targeted to a larger and more generic audience around the world with a much lower rate of conversion.

How does this benefit my Business?

The primary benefit of local internet promotions is simply acquiring targeting traffic that is more likely to convert into functional sources of profitability as against those which are located in different parts of the world. For Example, if you have a store in Vancouver, and your website undergoes an internet marketing Vancouver specific campaign it is more likely that a potential customer from the city is going to avail your product or service than someone who accesses your website from Toronto.

It has already been established that local online marketing is relatively cost-effective, simpler to execute and more effective in terms of conversions.

The fact that one needs to be less aggressive when it comes to local web marketing also means that it is going to cost you a lot less. Your SEO strategies can get a lot less complicated thus giving a higher return on investment.
Similarly, when you are implementing a local internet marketing strategy it is obvious that you are also competing with few people. There will be few people who focus on keywords such as ‘Quebec Hair Dressers’ in comparison to just ‘Hair Dressers’. Penetrating through the location specific set of keywords to enhance your over all search engine rankings becomes a lot easier especially if your business hails in smaller towns.
One may see a drawback in the fact that you are reaching out to a much smaller audience, but at the same time you are reaching out to an audience that is more likely to render your services than others.

Though local web promotions may seem like a less ambitious project at the beginning, you will soon realize that it has more benefits to offer than one can imagine. It is definitely a highly recommend exercise to drive more quality traffic to your website.

Ivory Shore expert team will assist you in optimizing your ROI by customizing Internet Marketing Vancouver strategy and solutions that are relevant to your business.

Consultancy General Inbound

Why an Internet Marketing Agency?

Search engine optimization is the best way to improve your business in the internet. You need to really work hard to get a secured place in this industry. If you don’t have experience or expertise in the frills on internet marketing then it is advisable to outsource your works.

Outsourcing your works to an internet marketing company will help you to perform all the marketing works with high precision and care. This will be obtained only if you choose the best internet marketing agency. It would be a very difficult task for you to choose the best, as there are a lot of companies throughout the world.

All your works related to online marketing will be performed by the professionals in internet marketing agency. This is far better than you performing all the works. You can therefore spend you time in working for your business.

You should go through the company website and their services and choose a company. Choose a company which has good experience and are performing white hat techniques. According to each search engine you need to change the strategy. If you are choosing a good marketing agency then they will perform all the necessary work according to each search engine.

Choose your budget for your online marketing works. Then according to that choose the marketing agency. There are many companies which are providing dedicated service at a very less rate. For those you need to outsource your works. Now outsourcing the works to a distant company is practiced by many businessmen.

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The School of Internet Marketing Launched to Offer Small Business Owners Internet Marketing Education

Vancouver, British Columbia (PRWEB) May 21, 2013

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are 23,000,000 small businesses in America http://www.sba.gov/content/small-business-trends. These small business owners must be experts in marketing technology in order to reach new customers and maintain relationships with current customers. The Internet has made it easy to reach out to potential customers across the globe, but it has also been problematic for business owners because the Internet can leave them confused and overwhelmed with information – not knowing where to begin.

Just five to ten years ago, small business owners had two choices to make – how big should their Yellow Page ad be and how much should they spend in the local newspaper. In order to compete on a larger scale, small business owners now need to look outside just the traditional methods of advertising – they need to include Internet marketing as well. Social Media and the Internet have become important sources of information for so many people.

Facebook accounts for one out of every five page views on the Internet. (iMedia Connection)
Of Facebooks one billion-plus users, 57% access the site from mobile devices. (Jeff Bullas)
9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to action, over half leading to purchase. (Search Engine Land, 2012)
Twitter has more than 500 million active users as of 2012 — generating over 340 million tweets daily — and handling over 1.6 billion search queries every single day.
In January 2012, YouTube reported that the site was receiving more than four billion views each and every day. According to Comscore data, the average time spent watching video on Youtube is now 418.2 minutes per user, per month.

Small business owners know they must embrace the Internet if they are to survive and they must learn how to effectively market their business online. The School of Internet Marketing was launched in order to serve that need. The school provides ongoing resources, with expert instructors and the courses are designed to provide the types of classes business owners need every month – continually updated with new information with courses that focus on the fundamentals. All courses are 100% web based. There are 12 core courses, with one new course added each month. The courses are provided as video lessons, workshop style, which means the student actually does the work during the course so that by the time theyre finished the lessons they have completed a goal, such as developed their Facebook strategy or launched a business page.

Each lesson ranges between 30-60 minutes and is also available with companion audio and workbook. Courses are designed for small businesses who are looking to build their personal or corporate brand. Although these courses are designed for brand new people to the online world they are simple yet powerful courses designed to teach a new business owner how to develop new leads and customers online.

The School of Internet Marketing also provides expert audio interviews. There are more than 80 interviews in the archives, with two new interviews added each month. The interviews are 30-45 minute interviews and feature other business owners who have successfully transitioned over into the online world and/or experts in the industry such as software providers, educators, heads of successful companies and more.

The School of Internet Marketing is ideal for the busy business owner since they can access classes from a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or home computer. Users get full, unlimited access to all courses and all interview for just $ 47 a month. Learn more at http://www.theschoolofinternetmarketing.com.

About The School of Internet Marketing

The School of Internet Marketing allows business owners to take control of their web presence in order to develop new leads and customers. The School works to empower business owners with the understanding that a little education can go a long way. It offers a variety of 100% web-based courses for small business owners wanting to learn how to market their business online for just $ 47 per month. Please visit http://www.theschoolofinternetmarketing.com for more information.


James Martell, VP Business Development

Clearbrook Web Services, Inc./ The School of Internet Marketing

Phone: (604) 535-6352

Email: james(at)theschoolofinternetmarketing(dot)com

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Consultancy General Inbound

The Total Social Media Marketing Package – Learn the 7 Parts to Your Social Media Marketing Plan

Social Media is any online platform where people can connect, communicate, develop a relationship with each other and ultimatley do business togeather. Over the last few years social networking sites have become more and more main stream and people are beginning to discover how useful they can be for a new kind of marketing.

It’s called relationship marketing and it works very much like the word of mouth marketing of years gone by. Recent studies show that people believe less than 25% of the marketing messages they receive but conversely they do believe over 75% of what they are told by their peers.

Do you remember how people used to gather together on their front porch on Sunday afternoons to talk? Or how women went once a week to the hairdresser and used to sit and visit while they were waiting for their hair to dry. The Social Media sites have become the front porches and beauty parlors of of the Internet.

They are the perfect places to market your products and services using relationship marketing? If you would like to give the Social Media Marketing a try here are the 7 most important ingredients for a successful Social Media Marketing Plan.

Ingredient #1 Your Blog – Your self-hosted WordPress Blog should be at the center of any Social Media Marketing Plan. It’s very important that it be self hosted so you have control over the content. The social networking world is driven by content so your blog needs to be on a site where you have total control over what your prospects see. Free blogs are fine for family information sites but they are not suitable for any site you wish to use for business. The people who host those sites are in control.

They can add advertisements or even take your site down at any time.

Ingredient #2 Your Email List and Autoresponder Service – One of the most important pieces of a Social Media Marketing plan is the ability to grow a list of qualified people. You do this by having an Opt-in box somewhere near the top of your Blog. You also need a freebie (a gift of something of high perceived value) that you give away to visitors when they give you their email address. You can use this email list to send newsletters, special announcements and marketing messages whenever you have something valuable to say.

Ingredient #3 Your Twitter account – Twitter is the micro-blogging platform that is taking the world by the storm right now. Get a Twitter account in your own name if possible. If your name is taken, then add a middle initial or underscore between your first and last name. When you sign up, make sure to include a good picture, preferably a headshot, with a light colored background. Your short profile should include your most important keywords.

Ingredient #4 Your Facebook Fan Page-Fan pages are the business side of Facebook and they are separate from your profile page.  They are valuable for SEO because they are indexed by Google. Unlike on your profile, you can send marketing messages to your fans at anytime. You can also have as many different Fan Pages as you would like in your name or in the name of your business.

Ingredient #4 Your LinkedIn account -LinkedIn is the most formal of all the social networking sites and they are a must for anyone who is in the professional world. Make sure you completely build out all the different categories including your education and previous work history. LinkedIn is the first place a prospective employer or joint venture partner will go to find out about you, so an incomplete profile tells them you don’t follow through.

Ingredient #5 Your YouTube account – YouTube is owned by Google so videos have a gigantic impact on the page rank for your name or your business. Short and sweet is better than longer videos with studies showing that people click away after about 1.5 minutes. Make sure to include your keywords in your title and description and add your URL to the description as well.

Ingredient #7 Your Google profile – Google allows you to maintain a public profile which should include links to all your other social network sites, and a good description of who you are and what you do. Try to keep this as up to date as possible. Since you won’t spend any time there updating  your status, I have put it on my calendar to check and make sure all the info is correct at least once a quarter.

Do you have a product or service you would like to bring to the Internet but don’t know quite where to begin. How would you like the opportunity to have your WordPress Blog created and optimized by a blog expert? Then how would you like a Social Media Marketing specialist to create and optimize all these important sites just for you? If that sounds good to you I would like to invite you to come to http://twitwall.com/view/index.cfm?who=laurenamcmullen and enter to win The Total Social Media Marketing Package worth over 00.00. But you better hurry as the contest ends at midnight 9/21/2009 Again go to to win is http://twitwall.com/view/index.cfm?who=laurenamcmullen to enter.

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