Consultancy General Inbound

truDERMA Announces Strategic Partnership with PepperJam Exchange

Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) May 14, 2013

The partnership with PepperJam represents the next step in truDERMAs http://www.truderma.com overall digital strategy designed to build and expand its direct-to-consumer business. PepperJam will be the anchor of truDERMAs ongoing consumer strategy enabling the company to have a continuous dialogue directly with its consumer base to determine what their customers want and care about. The PepperJam partnership is the first part of truDERMAs global online strategy managed by The Slice Ltd.

“Across our business we are looking to build consumer reach and engagement,” says Michael Gardineer, truDERMA CEO. “PepperJam is the latest iteration of these direct-to- consumer efforts. As with all of our online consumer programs the concept of community-building is aligned with our ongoing corporate digital marketing efforts to cultivate a two-way dialogue with our customers.

truDERMA continues to dominate the nutraceutical market with their ground breaking product line. Their flagship product African Mango based diet supplement Mangodrin is a top selling product at GNC, earning them the 2011 GNC Rising Star Award. Mangodrin also recently launched into Walgreen’s nationwide with a tremendous response. Their latest product Troxyphen, is a unique weight loss supplement designed to specifically address the underlying cause of male weight gain; in addition to being a natural testosterone booster that will help men achieve weight loss and increase overall muscle mass.

About truDERMA

Based in Las Vegas, Nev., truDERMA is a company that researches the best formulations, ingredients, trends and suppliers to help customers reach their personal healthy lifestyle goals. In particular, the company helps men and women reach their weight loss goals. The company also makes Troxyphen, DermaSLIM, truTRIM, Adrenal Support and truHCG Hormone Free in addition to Mangodrin and Mangodrin SF. The management team and staff of truDERMA are passionate about healthy living and helping others achieve life-changing goals. The company stands by its products and provides a 100 percent money-back guarantee for product satisfaction to consumers. http://www.truderma.com

About PepperJam Exchange

PepperJam Exchange (PJX), a GSI Media Company is part of the performance marketing arm of GSI Commerce, providing best-in-class, omni-channel performance marketing solutions.

Founded in 1999 and known throughout the affiliate marketing industry for our high-touch boutique services and unmatched results, PepperJam Exchange drives technological innovation within all avenues of performance marketing, including: online to in-store attribution, mobile, search marketing and social attribution. PepperJam Exchange is based in Northeast Pennsylvania (Wilkes-Barre) with offices in NYC, King of Prussia, PA and Tempe AZ. Our full-service advertising development team, creative services team and publisher development team serve as advocates for your business.

About The Slice

The Slice Ltd has been a global leader in advertising since 1993. Stemming from a philosophy that with each client we follow a similar journey, adapting and suggesting new routes for our clients to grow their business and build long term relationships.

We combine creative innovation with down-to-earth commercial realism. And we have a very strong team of experienced managers and professionals who offer you a wide breadth of expertise from a range of industries and disciplines.

EDITORS NOTE: To speak with truDERMAs CEO, Michael Gardineer, or for more information about truDERMA, please contact Laura Wilson Consoli at 702.321.1624 or pr(at)truderma(dot)com. Please visit http://www.truderma.com.

Consultancy General Inbound

How to Market – 5 Free Marketing Ideas For Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Small businesses owners have a unique marketing opportunity right now! There are literally hundreds of ways to do free marketing, including free blogs and websites, article marketing, social networking and even ordering free hard copy materials. This article will go over my favorite online and offline ideas for how to increase your small business marketing budget by using free marketing sources.

Here are my 5 favorite How To Do Free Marketing ideas:

Use Survey Monkey to find out the hot topics that your customers are interested in! If you THINK you know what your customers are interested in purchasing, I bet you are wrong! The only way to find out what they really want to know about is to ask! I did a survey recently asking my clients what their most pressing marketing needs were and found out that a full seventy five percent of the small business owners and entrepreneurs who responded said that their greatest need was to know how to utilize free websites to grow their businesses. That allowed me to structure a campaign based on using that keyword in conjunction with free marketing (a runner-up) to produce content I know my clients will like!

Bringing us to to number two on my list of free marketing ideas – free websites! I use Weebly to make my free websites as they have a great little blog feature built right in. Now I use Weebly and other free sites like Squidoo to drive traffic TO my main site BUT if you have no website or blog at all this is a great place to start! Make sure you have great content and that you update your free sites or blogs regularly so that it doesn’t get stale.

Once you have an idea what to sell and a place to put it online, the next thing I do to enhance my free marketing efforts is to send out email newsletters.

Now technically this is free since you could use your normal email client like AOL, gmail or outlook BUT I don’t recommend it! What I do recommend is using a service like Aweber or Constant Contact to manage your email newsletters. I KNOW – not free but at $ 20 per month, pretty darn close.

Now that you know what to sell, have a site or blog to sell it on and have a way to communicate to your clients, you can start social networking. Social Networking is free with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter being the big three that I focus on when doing my social networking. They make it VERY easy to communicate with past and potential clients in order to increase your online marketing reach. Facebook is great for B2C and B2B marketing, LinkedIn is good for B2B and employment networking and Twitter is just good overall for generating a large following of people who are interested in what you have to say.

My last free marketing tip is to write articles like this one! Writing articles allows you to become an expert in your field and also allows you generate incoming links to your website through the use of your resource box. If you are just starting out in article marketing, I HIGHLY recommend EzineArticles as they have tons of tutorials and provide great support to their authors.

There you have it – my top five favorite free marketing ideas. Now all you small business owners get out there and implement today. Find out what your customers need and start using some of these free marketing tips to get it to them!

Looking for even more FREE Marketing Tips? Download our 100 Free Marketing Tips and Tricks!

Consultancy General Inbound

Internet Network Marketing in Social Network Site

Social marketing sites have become a great networking marketing site. Who could be better to promote your products and ideas with than your friends and family? The key to marketing success on social media sites is not only to market to your friends and family but to have them promote you to their friends and family as well. The possibilities are endless.


Many people have experienced advertising and promoting on a social media site through promotion of products. They use Internet marketing strategies through social media to sell and maximize their base. They put the link to their product on a social media site and encourage  friends and family to do the same. You can also send out emails to all of your friends and family with information on where and how to buy your product. This brings in a client base that you would normally have not been able to reach. It is a very successful Internet networking marketing tool for many.


Many people have personally experienced a lot of their friends and relatives buying and selling items on social media sites. They also use social media and networking marketing to invite you to all types of multi level marketing parties. Who better to make recommendations than your friends and family?


One of the pitfalls of advertising and promoting through this networking marketing tool is that your continued e mails and promotions might wear on your network of friends and are not recommended on a daily or weekly basis because constantly badgering them about products might frustrate them. This tool is better used with one time products or invitations to parties that only occur occasionally. You do not want to burn bridges with daily promotions when you may need their support on more important projects.


People receive friend requests from a friend of a friend that really only wanted to promote their book or their business. Some people will accept these requests if they felt their items were in the range of their interests. Individuals have also added pages on subject matters that you may be interested in and they send out promotional materials.


For example, if you had a friend on your list that has started making corn hole boards he could use social media sites as a networking marketing tool for his friends and family. He could create a page so people can view the boards and get price information. This could be a very successful way of using social media as anetworking marketing tool.


The key to marketing success through a social media site is to get others to assist you with promoting your product. Otherwise, you will be limited to your friend and family base. If they put your information on their page and send a few emails to their friends they can help you optimize this marketing tool.

To succeed, send out those friend requests and ask them to help you make this a successful marketing tool. Without their support social media sites will not work as a marketing tool. Be a friend, support their causes, and comment on their pictures and like their comments. Maybe then they will assist you with marketing your product with a few clicks on their keyboard.




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Booklets and Catalogs Design Templates

In this ever-evolving world where competition is cutting edge, design patterns of Catalogs and Booklets for services and industries need to stand out in the crowd. As booklets and catalogs provides a window into your business or services and helps to market and advertise your product/services. Custom printable booklet templates can be modified according to the requirements of the retailer which can showcase the most profitable products and provide direct marketing options. It provides the best creative and custom designed catalogs, portfolios and free booklet design templates.

We provide ideas for free booklet design templates & layout services from catalogs, logo design, posters, creative booklet cover, and much more. It gives you the freedom to design your own custom free booklet templates and custom free catalog design from scratch suiting your company’s aim. Creative printable catalog design can help increase sales by providing lots of information on the products. Custom design booklets are used to make sales presentations highlighting information on specific range of products and services. And also many industries have training manuals to provide important information to its employees.

Catalog designs have been made easy through free templates. Templates of printable catalog and booklet are simple document files that have all the major margin adjustments and layout parameters and other design settings needed to create nice and printable design templates.

These tools help to jumpstart with your custom booklet design and help to customize according to specific needs.

The best tool is a desktop publishing application which helps to get the best of what you can make through your own innovation keeping your company in mind. Some of the best recommended but rather expensive software like Adobe Photoshop, Corel or even Quark Xpress, or you can go for free open source software available on the internet.


James william has huge experience of writing articles on various  topics. Currently he is writing for  free booklet . Here you can get any information regarding low cost Social Networking etc.

Consultancy General Inbound

Marketing Automation Software: A Valuable Marketing Asset

Every organization is trying to come up with marketing strategies that guarantee success. With this aim, marketing teams implement lead generation processes in order to generate quality leads. But these techniques are often based on assumptions about customer intent. Hence, in most cases they do not yield the desired responses.

Since no two prospects are the same, marketing teams cannot expect great results by employing a common strategy for all prospects. Each prospect has to be dealt with individually based on accurate information about their intent, interest level and readiness to buy. And this is possible only by automating the entire marketing process. Marketing automation is based on a software platform that helps marketing teams in generating quality leads by personalizing content, and automating the timing and delivery of marketing messages.

What Prospects Want From Marketers

In the pre-Internet era, consumers had limited or no means to verify the quality of a product or compare it with competitive products. But today they have access to a wealth of information over the Internet, and are very sure about their preferences. They make no compromise in choosing products that suit their requirements. They believe in finding answers themselves, and so they research extensively to understand the different choices available. Therefore, by the time marketers approach buyers, most of them have already made a decision.

Buyers no longer need the advice or support of marketers; what they need is timely information that can help in decision-making. And this is where marketing automation comes in handy.

How Marketing Automation Software Can Help

With marketing automation software, marketers get useful insights about buyers likes, dislikes and preferences. Marketing automation software can help by observing and analyzing buyers online and offline behavior. By tracking and understanding their digital body language, automation tools come up with details that help marketers comprehend the actual intent of buyers. And by employing lead scoring techniques, which are part and parcel of every marketing automation platform, marketers can categorize and prioritize prospects according to their positions in the buying cycle. This helps marketing teams to decide whether a particular prospect is ready to be passed on to the sales team, or should be held back and nurtured further with personalized messages until the time is ripe for sales reps to take over.

Marketing automation software is therefore the most valuable asset for marketing teams, as it can not only help generate quality leads, but also close deals faster.

marketing automation tool

Consultancy General Inbound

Senior Term Life Insurance and Tips for Slowing the Aging Process are Provided by Online Insurance Marketplace

(PRWEB) May 11, 2013

Online Insurance Marketplace has released a blog providing tips on how to slow the aging process!

The blog provides the main tips for slowing the aging process: taking physical exercises, avoid high stress, resorting to a healthy and appropriate diet, reducing alcohol consumption and tobacco usage (especially in womens case). Regarding passive smoking, non-smokers are exposed to cigarette smoke and have a higher risk to contract lung cancer. For example, in the USA, between 100,000 and 150,000 (or even more) people die annually of lung cancer.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important in slowing the aging process. Nevertheless, no one can predict what might happen in the near or distant future, therefore, we are thrilled to offer senior term life insurance quotes for people who want to to financially protect their family members! said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company.

Online Insurance Marketplace is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. It is unique in that this website does not simply stick to one kind of insurance carrier, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. This way, clients have offers from multiple carriers all in one place, this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

For more information, please visit http://www.topseniorlifeinsurance.com/.

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Consultancy General Inbound

Basic Elements Of Social Media Marketing Agency

Every Social Media Marketing Agency must have a compartmentalized sand organized structure, so that key functions and workings would be managed properly. Just like a properly or well oiled machine, various parts of it perform various functions to build the whole machine to work in the manner it was designed.

Social Networking has been growing in popularity the last few years, and it will go forward to increase at an exponential rate in the future. It is a part of the whole Web 2.0 movement, which is essentially the effort of the Internet towards user created, customized and managed content. Internet Browsers have lot of control over what they consider now and whatever they do than ever before, and they as well have lot more interaction with several other Browsers as well.

For a Social Media Marketing Agency, there are total five responsibilities or areas which must be handled by personnel. As you all know that Agency is a group of People, everybody who is part of it must work acc to the functions need of them. So for you, here they are:

Administrative: these concerns mainly to the minds of the Social Media Marketing Agency. Without a good central thinking and decision making individual, several areas and components would run out to work effectively. Even if each compartment could be capable to work on its own, its outcomes would have no presence as there would be no executive to ensure the flow of output.

Marketing: Marketing is the chief driver of the Business. Because this part of any Online Business would be obligated in promotion and advertizing, their dissemination and delivery of info to the various target audiences will ascertain a huge part in goal attainment criteria.

Support group: This area is liable in holding audiences within the environ of potential customers for the Social Media Marketing Agency. This might be done by clearings, active interactions with the clients who might have concerns and questions, or even post sales queries.

Technical: Frequently undetected by customers, this is amenable in keeping the Online Website running and up. It might not have a straight relation with client interaction, but without any functional technical Group, Websites might lose profit and productivity when time period due to technicalities occurs.

Auditing: This element is the valuing arm of the Company in terms of accomplished set efficiency and goals in productivity.

Having a free and healthy flowing communication amongst the elements results to a competitive and healthy Social Media Marketing Agency. Although one person would take the responsibility in multiple areas, it would be great for an Agency to have one person centering on a single task for good results.

You all are very well aware of the relevance and growing importance and popularity of Social Media Marketing. Get More People to Your Shows, Market and Manage your business online and Make More Money in the Business. For more information please contact us at – http://hypegenius.com

Consultancy General Inbound

Marketing Strategies

Marketing strategy helps organizations to focus their attention to complete resource utilization to increase sales and win over their competitors. Every company applies some kind of marketing strategies to maintain existing customers, attract potential customers and also to maintain and enhance their reputation in the market.

When designing a marketing plan, first a marketing strategy is taken into consideration. The marketing plan consists of steps to be taken so as to attain success in the implementation of the marketing strategy chosen. Big projects involve selection of different strategies at different levels. Usually a strategy consists of well-sketched tactics. They are meant to meet the needs and finally reach marketing objectives. Each of the strategies has pre-calculated results because when a particular strategy is chosen at a particular level, its outcome becomes the goal of that particular level. If there is an absence of a well thought strategy in a marketing plan means it is supposedly lacking a good foundation. A reasonable marketing strategy should not only facilitate marketing goals, but also the action sequence of a campaign.

At regular time intervals the firm should analyze the marketing decision. This is done with the help of strategic models and the 3C’s model is considered for this purpose. To calculate the company’s strategic position, Ansoff matrix is used. The 3C’s model determines the factors, which leads to the success of a marketing campaign. There are three key parties involved in this model the corporation, the customer and the competitors. The involvement of all the three key parties leads to positive results and this involvement is known as the 3C’s or strategic triangle.

The role of the corporation is to increase the strength of the company in the success critical areas, when compared to that of the competitor.

The customer and his interest form the basis of any strategy. The competitor also plays a vital part. The competitor-based strategies are based on the functioning of business competitors like design and engineering, sales and servicing, and purchasing.

When making a marketing plan depending on some particular strategies known as mix strategies are used. 4P’s model is used to calculate whether the plan is sticking to the strategies or not. The four Ps stand for product, price, place and promotion. Products are goods produced by the company on a huge scale for the purpose of selling them and earning profit. Price is the money paid for a product by the customer. The price is based on many factors like competition, market share, customer perception and product identity. Place where the product is sold can be either physical store or store on the Internet. It is also known as distribution channel. To make the customer knowledgeable about a product, the marketer does promotion. It involves advertising, public relation and point of sale.

There are different types of marketing strategies based on some criteria.  Challenger, Leader and Follower are types of market dominance strategies. Market dominance strategies are used to dominate the market. Cost leadership, Market segmentation and Product differentiation are types of porter generic strategies. Porter generic strategies are built on strategic strength or competing abilities and strategic scope or market penetration. Close followers, late follower and Pioneers are types of innovation strategies. Innovation strategies are meant to trigger the rate of product development and model innovation. It helps the firm to incorporate latest technologies. Intensification, Diversification, Vertical integration and Horizontal integration are types of growth strategies. Growth strategies facilitate the growth of the organization. Marketing warfare strategies are conjunction of marketing strategies and military strategies.

A marketing strategy or a mix of them is chosen only after thorough market research. A marketer should always be ready to face any kind of situations like if the strategy is changed in the middle, he should be able to perform another market research so as to choose the proper strategy, within a short period of time. This can be done easily if you have experience.


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Consultancy General Inbound

Local Internet Marketing Quick Tips

Internet Marketing is also called by names like i-marketing, e-marketing, web marketing, or online-marketing. So dont get confused unnecessarily. Distances do not matter anymore, one is now able to get instant responses via internet, and eliciting these responses is the unique quality of this medium of communication. Marketing today is not just the domain of shopkeepers, internet gives opportunities through emails. Wireless services are now available to the seekers and promoters of this kind of marketing. Electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) and digital customer data is related to this kind of marketing.

Marketing online is much cheaper. Firms looking out for marketing outlet for their products seek the help of Internet Marketing Companies. It is up to these companies to launch the product for sale in the market with their efficient strategic localized approach. Local small business houses seek these companies as the cost of advertizing proves to be less, and at the same time via this channel a wider audience is exposed to their product. Electronic media paves way for quicker results. The campaign launched depends for its effectiveness on business goals and last but not the least on cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis.

Local customers are out to seek Internet Marketing Services to bring their small business from a corner of a small market to the big marketing scene. Service providers provide packages for their customers. It is left up to the customer to choose from among these, the best suited to their particular requirements. Now what do these packages offer? Customers have to pay a small amount of $ 1000/ month to $ 5000/ month. Under the stipulated scheme you are allotted a number of pages, a number of local search engine marketing keywords, something called image optimization, few articles for online resource site, search engines analytics installation, organic link building, social media marketing. In six months the customer is provided with one special field on which the marketing will rely upon for a month, the second month will see stress laid upon another feature for furthering the product popularity and sale and so on.

Internet Marketing Firms help the solution seekers in getting traffic to the website owners who are working to market the product. In the high priced keyword world of internet, firms arrange for low priced keywords with high conversion rates. These firms get your ads high place for maximum benefit. Everyday budget is set up by them for these ads, and the search engines too avail the advantage of these ads, and thus more traffic is generated. Market research and focus on increased lead flow and the response loops also help in achieving the set goals. Search engines are optimized and this helps. Experts on the marketing scene work along with these firms, giving the local people all the help in popularizing their product and bringing it to the consumers. What a word of mouth cannot do, ads, banners, colorful advertisements, videos, well placed click-on boxes, response sheets, sign ups undertake the assignment to give you wonderful opportunities in the marketing field.

For more information on Internet Marketing Philadelphia visit >> Internet Marketing Company PA

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Consultancy General Inbound

Infusionsoft Asks the Sales Whisperer

Temecula, CA (PRWEB) May 09, 2013

The 2012 Infusionsoft Certified Consultant of the Year, Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer