Consultancy General Inbound

Methods Of Free Advertising

Many businesses, particularly a new business, elect to use some form of marketing to advertise the business. Although, there are some forms of marketing that are large scale like advertising in print, and television, these can be rather expensive. However, there are numerous types of free advertising methods. Some of these methods are done offline but many use the Internet.

There are informational packages and electronic newsletters that businesses send to potential customers or media outlets. The packages have lists or articles that tell potential customers about their promotions, services, and new products. These packages are free and all they only require is access to the Internet and an email account.

Another way to advertise for free is by message boards on the Internet that are public. Although, there are some message boards they prohibit advertising and they are moderated, there are some that permit business promotions.

There are many business that use blogs to advertise for free. A blog can be used to provide information associated with promotions or sales, a target demographic or a certain industry, or changes to the business. There are numerous blogging accounts that are available for free.

Social networking websites are another way to advertise for free. They can be used to for personal relationships with current customers by creating profiles on the Internet and to reach potential customers. Also a business can use a social networking website to learn about their customers that might be useful in the development of future services and products.

Word of mouth can be used to advertise for free. This can be used in numerous ways including letters, phone texting, email, and verbal conversations. This type of advertising works especially well for businesses who want to cultivate elite or exclusive customers where it might be counterproductive to advertise publicly.

Using the media is another form of free advertising that is free. A appearance by a business leader on a radio show or on TV can give a business access to a new market. This type of advertising makes for an interesting story

Guerrilla advertising is the last form of free advertising. This form of advertising is a rather unconventional method. Graffiti is one of the most popular kinds of guerrilla advertising. Using this method a graphic or a message that related to a business is marked or painted on a public structure. The cost of this method is only that of a can of spray paint or a pen. However, graffiti can be illegal, therefore you should check your local ordinances to determine on which structures graffiti is illegal.

Alex Wu operates a free advertising website that lets people advertise, build groups, and connect. He hopes to create an active environment for businesses to place their employment.

Consultancy General Inbound

Do You Need a Social Media Marketing Plan?

When promoting your own business, you will need to decide on which areas you should focus on and which to set aside and just tackle later on. Making this call is important, because this will help determine how much time you get to spend on actual handling of your business and not just on your very own marketing schemes.

One of the most commonly forgotten techniques when it comes to advertising on the web is the social media marketing plan. Despite the popularity of websites like Facebook and Twitter, some businesses are still not tapping the direct market these sites offer for some reason. If you’re a concerned outsider, this can be confusing and frustrating, knowing that they’re missing out on a good amount of potential clients just by being too traditional. However, if you’re one of these entrepreneurs who still haven’t used social media as a way of promoting your wares, you will most likely need some convincing to consider this method.

So, do you need a social media marketing plan? In simple words, yes, you will definitely need one. You see, these things aren’t just for what you should do and how you should do it. In most times, they will also help you plan how you will execute your campaigns.

Since marketing isn’t really the easiest thing to do, especially while handling a full blown enterprise, you will need to have a guide so you won’t waste time. With a plan, you can lay out all of your needs, prioritize schemes, learn a few techniques, and still make time to attend to the other needs of your business. Time management is the biggest gift of having a plan like this, and that’s something you do need if you’re planning on doing it yourself.

Although social media marketing can be fun, it still needs a good amount of work to pull off.

It’s also very easy to get distracted, so you will have to stick to something to prevent wasting time. Remember, time is gold, as the saying goes and it applies well with having an online business.

Building a social media marketing plan is easy to do. You can make one yourself with the help of the available tips online or you can enlist the help of an expert.

Make the Best of your Social Media Marketing Plan, visit Work From Home Job Resources, Online Business Opportunities and Tips at Hangelbel(dot)com

Consultancy General Inbound

Internet Marketing Tools

Not minding the level or degree of success you may have achieved in business as a web marketer or an internet marketer, if you have the conception that there is always more money to be made. Then, you will likely have the drives to learn and implement all necessary points about Internet marketing tools. You current marketing tools brought you to this present level. What more then ca you do to reach the next level? This is the question prosperous marketer ask to themselves.

Making money online is an excellent idea as it provides a great deal of flexibility, endless income and opportunities to work from home. But this involves dedication, hard work, and the ability to utilize the various Internet Marketing Tools.

The directory submission aids is an important Internet marketing Tools. When you submit you website to directory it secures your ranking in major search engines. Articles are considered to be the backbone of any efforts to increase websites traffic. Well composed articles will have a profound effect on the marketability of the products or services you have described in the article. Good content will automatically attract traffic as it is appealing to the target market.

Another internet marketing tools set is the press release platforms. They go the same way as articles with the important provision that they must actually be distributed and tend to bring links faster than articles. Press releases are used on regular basis.

Ranking models and formats will be part of the contingent of internet marketing tools. These are tools used to evaluate the success of the internet marketing model in compares to those used by those BIG GUYS. This is checked on a regular basis to ensure that the site owner is always on the money when it comes to their position on the search engine.

Internet Marketers are eager to make passive income online, for many it is easier said than done. Below are four powerful and free Internet Marketing Tools that have help propel the achievement of successful Internet Marketers.

Googles Keyword Tool: It is obvious that Google makes this available to those who needs to research on keywords on the niches they intend to promote using the Google AdSense program. With this tool, the number of searches per month for a particular key word gives you information on how competitive these keywords are. These results are extracted from the Search Engines.

Video Marketing: There are thousands of video sites available on the internet and video marketing is self explanatory. Hey, people love video! Want to earn more smart passive income? Do video marketing, period.

Article Marketing: More than 40% of internet marketers shy away from this powerful resource because not everyone writes or loves to write. Articles are almost never erased from the internet. Hence, outsource the effort if you need to. The key is to always embrace the keyword research results.

Google Analysis: This great free tool is a blessing and what a resource to earn smart passive income! All tutorials are available in Googles website, so get to know it.

Doing all these for you website effectively and efficiently, you are already doing much better than what Internet Marketers out there in generating smart passive income online.

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Internet Marketing Tools
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Consultancy General Inbound

Internet Marketing Forum – are they useful?



Many people go into online forums, but these days it’s just idle chat, or they really offer any value? Let an internet marketing discussion forum to use as a study.

We generally participate in a forum to learn and share information on a topic that we have a common interest or want to learn more.

In an internet marketing discussion forum you can certainly ask questions and discuss related to internet marketing. This can be very valuable and you’ll know a lot to gain. If you’re stuck with a technical problem, chances are that someone will be able to help sort the problem so you can move forward.

There are always new products on the market and there is a great opportunity to ask others or have tried them and are they worth investing in. This will save you money. By discussing the merits and shortcomings of a product can or will realize in fact suit your purpose.

There is the opportunity you may be able to talk to someone who is interested in doing a joint venture with you. Many friends and colleagues have met online.

I have often noticed an internet marketing discussion forum that a section where you can a product or service to promote the group and as the possibility of a promotional signature to your messages. This is a great way to target customers to find if you already know that they are interested in online marketing.

Here are some of the topics discussed to get into internet marketing forums:


Article writing
Search Engine Optimization
Website Creation
E-mail marketing
Product Creation
Finding a niche
What to sell
Keyword Research
Planning a campaign
Website Design
and many more topics.


An often unexpected result of the accession of a discussion forum that after a while of the valuable opinions of others in the group you want to give something back and help others who come along and need support.

This is a great feeling and are more active on the forum the more you get out of the self.

You get a feeling of “I do not have to struggle with this on my own”, there is support for you. All you have to do is ask.

I have been a member of an internet marketing discussion forum since 2008 and consider it a cornerstone of my learning and success. Why do not you go there with me and see for yourself the incredible range of subjects and the support available to you?


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Consultancy General Inbound

Social Media Marketing Strategies – Focus on Content

Social media marketing using technologies like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace is the ‘hot’ trend everyone is talking (or should I say Tweeting?) about. Just like any marketing trend, a few organizations are doing a great job using these technologies, and many others are struggling to get it right. The reason they’re failing is simple: valuable content is the marketing “cake,” and social applications are just the icing on it.

Your customers are not going to visit your Facebook page or read your Tweets just because they’re there: you must offer something that engages and informs them.

What type of content can you use to drive customers to your social media? Your imagination is the limit, but consider these types of content as a starting point:

Case studies
White papers and special reports
Informational articles
Podcasts or audio interviews
Blog posts
Interactive customer experiences
Games and quizzes

As customers become more accustomed to ignoring advertising and other interruption marketing strategies, the most effective way to reach them is with content they want to experience.

For marketers, this means developing a content strategy comes first. Once you have content, social media becomes to a great tool to get that valuable content into the hands of your customers and prospects.

To determine what kind of content you should create, think about your audience. Young adult consumers will respond well to a fun game, contest or Facebook application. Business-to-business marketers would be interested in case studies from companies like theirs and interviews with industry thought leaders.

Once you have created the content your audience will really respond to, then take the next step and share it with social media.

Interested in learning more about content marketing? Visit http://www.RedWagonWriting.com and sign up to receive your free content marketing ebook: The Content Marketer’s Toolkit along with the Red Wagon Writing monthly e-mail newsletter full of writing and marketing tips.

More Social Media Marketing Strategy Articles

Consultancy General Inbound

Before Focusing on Advanced Cyber Threats, US Businesses Better Have Their Cyber Security Basics Well Covered

New York, NY (PRWEB) May 02, 2013

There is no shortage of headline making stories that involve advanced cyber threats, from now famous attacks like Stuxnet and the Flame virus, to sophisticated and organized players like Anonymous, or state-sponsored cyber warfare units with deep pockets like Chinas Unit 61398 out of Shanghai, which are just a few among many. But Verizons 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), which just came out last week, clearly shows the success of even simple attacks, and the staggering longevity of these compromises before they are ever even detected, is an area that needs serious improvement across the board if US organizations want to survive the assault that comes with doing business in our digital world. Joe Caruso, founder and CEO/CTO of Global Digital Forensics (GDF), took some time to weigh in on the report and the importance of focusing on the basics first.

First step, judging the cyber threat landscape.

One-size-fits-all solutions may be great for many things, but cyber security is absolutely not one of them. Because like the report pointed out, different industries typically face different threats. A manufacturing company, for instance, is probably a lot more worried about keeping designs, secret manufacturing techniques and other intellectual property (IP) safe and secure. A restaurant should probably be a lot more concerned about securing their POS (Point of Sale) systems to make sure they are keeping their customers credit card information from falling into the wrong hands. Financial institutions, on the other hand, have the entire gauntlet of threats to face, from brute-force cyber smash-and-grabs and spear phishing campaigns, to distributed denial of service (DoS) attacks which are launched to incapacitate their websites and make accounts unavailable to their clients, and everything in between. Hospitals, universities and retailers have their own ghosts to face as well. But one thing you can be sure of, if you have cyber gold of any kind to mine, there are always attackers with their noses pressed up against the glass just licking their chops for an opportunity to capitalize on any exploitable hole they can find. Our cyber threat assessments are designed to look at the big cyber security picture, from understanding and mapping the entire digital infrastructure and how the data flow interacts with business functions, to determining which threat vectors are likely to be the most problematic and prioritize them accordingly. We also thoroughly review cyber security policies and procedures already in place to identify weaknesses and help clients remediate them, or we help create them if none exist.

Step two, penetration testing.

The importance of comprehensive penetration testing cannot be overstated. You can talk to clients until youre blue in the face, you can show mountains of statistics and you can pull out countless headline stories about successful cyber attacks and the long term financial ramifications victimized organizations have endured, but it still wont sink in. But run a successful penetration test and eyes will open. Its the cyber equivalent of a live-fire exercise and just like in the military version, it stresses every system with attacks that simulate real-world incidents to identify weaknesses. When we launch one of our realistic phishing or spear phishing campaigns, for instance, and get seventy, eighty or ninety percent of the companys employees to divulge their credentials, everyone from the employees and managers, to executives and owners get the message loud and clear. Because if it was a real attacker, they would have had complete access to the entire network to do, well, anything they want. And we pull out all the stops with tradecraft honed by two decades of experience. Well set up dummy websites which look like the real thing to entice our targets, well employ a variety of social engineering techniques to bypass air gaps on segmented systems and deliver payloads using things like USB sticks, well leverage WiFi and Bluetooth connections from smartphones and tablets which have exploded onto the scene, and a whole host of other proven methods and techniques we have in our arsenal to infiltrate the clients unique digital architecture. And when you can show someone how they were just victimized and how to avoid it in the future, the lessons stay with them for a very long time. That alone is a huge step towards the ultimate goal of effective cyber security.

Getting hacked you may have an app for that.

Applications can certainly make life a lot easier in the digital world, so its no wonder they keep coming out at a breakneck pace. Whether they are Internet or cloud-based applications, phone apps or simply internal applications to make things run more smoothly, they are also a preferred gateway for cyber intruders. The reasoning is simple. Application designers are typically not cyber security experts. Their focus is generally on functionality, and once they get that down the product gets rushed to market. Needless to say, it is not at all uncommon for many of these applications to have security holes right out of the box which can easily be exploited, and that can be like having an unlocked revolving door which leads right into your network, giving intruders complete access to your most sensitive electronically stored information (ESI). Our application security testing exposes those kinds of vulnerabilities so you, your customers, vendors and employees can use them with confidence and enjoy their benefits instead of suffering catastrophic consequences.

Surviving a cyber emergency is all in the response.

There is a harsh dose of reality that must be faced when it comes to cyber security; there is no such thing as perfect protection, and any cyber security expert that tells you different is simply lying. The reality is that playing offense on the cyber battleground is a lot easier than playing defense. Internal IT security personnel have a million holes to plug, but an attacker only needs to find one to exploit. Thats why GDF has a network of experienced cyber emergency incident responders available 24/7 that are strategically positioned across the country, and the globe. Our responders can be onsite in hours, not days, to identify, isolate, secure and investigate security breaches. We have also developed specialized tools to immediately begin the process remotely in many cases as soon as we receive your call. Not only will taking the right approach to handling a cyber emergency help you contain the actual damage from the attack and the inevitable aftermath, but it will also go a long way towards calming nervous clients, vendors and investors, as well as satisfying many regulatory compliance headaches.

The dangerous sink or swim world of cyber intrusions, data breaches and other cyber attacks is fluid and constantly evolving. Trusted cyber security professionals like Global Digital Forensics can go a long way towards keeping you afloat. So dont wait to take control, or you may just become another grim statistic.

*Global Digital Forensics is a recognized industry leader in the fields of computer forensics, electronic discovery (eDiscovery), cyber security and emergency incident response, with years of experience assisting clients in the government, banking, healthcare, education and corporate arenas. For a free consultation with a Global Digital Forensics specialist, call 1-800-868-8189 about tailoring a plan which will meet your unique needs. Emergency responders are also standing by 24/7 to handle intrusion and data breach emergencies whenever and wherever they arise. Time is critical if a cyber incident has occurred, so dont hesitate to get help. For more information, visit http://www.evestigate.com.

Consultancy General Inbound

8 Steps To Make A Social Media Marketing Plan

When you decide to add social media to your marketing campaign, you need to create an Internet marketing strategy. You need a plan in order to assess the viability, know what to do and stay focused on your goals.


Your plan can also help you save time by ensuring you follow a systematic approach to the tie you will invest in social marketing and network. The social networking part can easily take you off track and eat up your time if you do not pay attention to the overall picture of what you are trying to accomplish.


Here are the basics steps to any social media plan we setup for clients:




Look at what is available in your market, what competitors are doing and find out if your customers in fact using these social media channels. These answers may help you determine the goals




Define your main purpose for using Social Media and identify the various social media channels to use.




Set at least 3 SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) goals and create an action plan to help you reach these goals. What steps will you take to reach these goals.




Create a plan for what content will be published – blog posts, tweets, facebook page updates, youtube videos. This plan should include the topic of content and also how often and via what channel it will be published




Part of the content planning would be finding the keywords your customers use when searching for your service or product online.

If your business has some technical jargon that customers rarely pick up on – it is unlikely that is how they will search online for the solution to their problem (your service or product). It is imperative to find keywords they are using and add these targeted key words into your content..




Look at all the platforms available and link them together as much as possible to help you save time. ie. Link your blog to twitter and your facebook page so when a blog post is published it will automatically feed an update to the other networks. Be certain to make a flowchart so you understand what automatically goes to what network in order to avoid any cross posting.




As much as you can track your results do it. Keep a record of your contacts/ facebook friends/page likes/twitter followers/linked in contact /newsletter subscribers and results on Google for your name, business and keywords. Check the results every month and see how it changes. Read your analytics on your website and adjust keywords/tactics to fit with what is working well or not form these reports. With social media marketing, businesses may set goals related to brand identity and levels of engagement.




Take time to schedule in all the aspects of your plan and work at it to keep on top of it and following the plan. Stay focused and use your time wisely.


Following these steps will help you network much more effectively and in a way that does not find you looking up from your computer wondering where the last hour went. Stay focused!


Kathy Colaiacovo, is a Virtual Assistant whose firm specializes in Social Media Services but also assist their clients with many other business support needs; websites and maintenance, blogs, newsletters, ezines to name a few. Clients value this support in order to create the time needed to grow their own business.
Kathy invites you to learn more about working with a Virtual Assistant by inviting you to sign up for their monthly eNewsletter, you will also receive a complimentary copy of their Social Media Guide.

Consultancy General Inbound

6 Marketing Strategy Outline Tips

Firms usually experience many difficulties, when it comes to boost their profits in moderately competitive markets. In such circumstances, you as a businessperson need to develop or outline a well-defined marketing strategy to have a commanding edge over your competitors.
Marketing strategy defines the products, services and position of a company in the market. The sales and marketing plans of the company show how good the firm is in formulating and implementing its marketing project.
You need to consider a number of factors before designing the marketing strategy and its impacts. Such a strategy takes into account all the basic factors of business. The portfolio of products and the expected move of competitors in the market are some basic factors that can make your marketing strategy fruitful.
Factors To Consider:
Following are some of the factors you need to consider before outlining a marketing strategy:
Identify the Target Market: Your product might be the most amazing in terms of features and usefulness. However, the effort you put in the promotion and related functions are sheer waste of time, if you are not focusing on the appropriate target group.  
You can easily define your target group. In fact, you need to develop your product or service keeping in mind the target group from the very start. All you need to do is just enrich your marketing plan with innovative ideas.
Identify your USP: Unique selling proposition or USP defines the uniqueness of your product, which is difficult or impossible for your competitors to imitate. The success of your business depends on how long and how well you keep your USP unduplicated.

Thus, make a strong USP and enlighten the target audiences with the benefits of your products and services.
Determine the firm’s market position: Your efficacy in positioning the product or service in a competitive market determines your success and helps you to draw an effective marketing strategy.
Next, positioning is all about determining how you want to present your product in comparison with your competitors. In short, it is the identity of your product in the market. For example, you may present your product as a high-end, high quality product or a budget product.
Identify the Key Benefits: Highlight the special features of your products or services, if any. You may present your offerings successfully in the market by focusing on such key features.
Set a Target Budget: The amount you may afford to spend for the promotion of your product is called target budget. You can use both free and paid media for promoting your products or services. Advertising, Internet marketing, Public Relations, Direct Marketing and Personal Selling are some of the commonly used promotional methods.
Evaluation and Follow Up: Keep a strong hold on the chosen marketing methods. Verify their effectiveness. Alternatively, you may experiment with other media and methods too.

Marketing strategy is just a component of the overall corporate strategy. It incorporates all the plans and actions that include the firm’s major goals and policies, which are critical for the success of a business.

Learn how to leverage your business online and offline visit http://www.infinitenewcustomers.com Work smart not hard http://www.infinitenewcustomers.com/blog

Consultancy General Inbound

Web Marketing Tool

Good Examples of a Web Marketing Tool

A web marketing tool (otherwise known as an internet marketing tool) is anything that you can use to enhance your internet marketing efforts and results. There are many such tools available these days as web marketing is becoming more and more of an essential process to all businesses.

A web marketing tool can be a website, a software program, an e-book, a course, a training program, a system, or even an expert who can guide you along the way. These tools range in price from completely free to very expensive. Choosing the right one depends on your business, the amount of time you have to invest, and the amount of money you can afford to spend on the tool, in addition to other aspects.

Web marketing can be comprised of many different marketing techniques, or it can consist of just one or two. This also depends on where you’re at in your business. If you’re just starting out, you should just stick with one part of the process until you fully understand that and have it working to your advantage. Then you can move onto the next area. Also when you are just starting out, you might be on a budget and focus on the free or low-cost tools. Here are a few examples of a web marketing tool that you will need, no matter what your business.

First and foremost, you’ll need a website. There are certain sites that will allow you to create one for free and teach you how to do it as well. There are some restrictions on features, but if you’re just starting out, these will work fine until you’re ready to move on to more advanced options. When you are, you can get into all kinds of SEO software, systems, and consulting tools which will bring your website up in ranking.

Second, you’ll also want to look into autoresponders.

There are some free versions of these as well. But you can get a much more reliable service by investing 15 to 30 dollars a month on an autoresponder. This is a crucial part of your business because it allows you to build a list of customers and potential customers and to keep in touch with them on a regular basis. Some of the many autoresponders are GetResponse, ResponseMagic, AWeber, Oprius, and Icontact. They capture the data of visitors to your website so that you can email them with news, special offers, and updates about your business.

Another key web marketing tool is the keyword research tool. Keywords are important no matter what kind of marketing you do, so having a good tool will help you zone in on the best keywords for your business. You can use any of the free keyword research tools offered by Google, Yahoo, or Bing, or you can invest in some other tools that are on the market.


For more tips, tricks, and pain saving ways to start a business,make a website,online marketing,marketing,build a website and building your Internet business, go to: http://www.wealthwithrachel.com

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Massey Knakal Realty Services Releases First Quarter 2013 Property Sales Reports

New York, NY (PRWEB) May 05, 2013

Massey Knakal Realty Services is pleased to announce the release of their exclusive First Quarter 2013 Property Sales Reports. These unique, industry-leading, reports provide a comprehensive study of the investment sales market by product type in the New York City marketplace (Manhattan, Northern Manhattan/Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens).

As we anticipated at the end of 2012, the spike in sales activity caused by capital gains tax policy last year has led to a slowdown in activity thus far in 2013. stated Bob Knakal, Massey Knakal Chairman. The good news, however, is that the dollar volume of sales and number of buildings sold were ahead of expectations. We view this as a positive sign for the marketing the balance of 2013, added Knakal.

During the first quarter of 2013, there was $ 6.5 billion in New York City sales, a 36% decrease from 2012 and down 7% from 2011.

The New York City investment sales market saw 559 properties sold in 1Q13. Indeed, the hyper-activity from 4Q12 stole activity from this quarter with 4Q12 setting an all-time record in number of properties sold and second best quarter in dollar output. NYC dollar volumes exceed $ 6.5B for the quarter with 1Q13 marking the return of the billion dollar deal.

The purchase of 30 Rockefeller Plaza and 550 Madison Avenue were the first billion dollar sales since the Google purchase in 2010, and the first time since the downturn multiple properties exceeding $ 1B sold in the same year. These two sales accounted for 44% of total dollar volume in Manhattan.

Within the different market segments Massey Knakal tracts, Northern Manhattan outpaced the Bronx for the first time in properties sold due to several multi-property transactions taking place.

Brooklyn led all markets with 214 buildings sold in 1Q13, while Queens had the lowest annualized turnover with 0.93% of the total stock of property

The highlights from each report include the following:

Manhattan (south of 96th Street on the east side and south of 110th Street on the west side)