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How to Advertise Your Online Business

With any online business your main concern with marketing is going to be getting high volumes of targeted traffic to your website. More visitors simply means more sales and ultimately more profit, what you have to be careful of is the return on investment you are getting for your adverts. There are many different ways to drive traffic through advertising your small business online but what works for someone else might not work for you, so there is a degree of trial and error and testing involved. We are going to have a look at some of the most effective methods of advertising and the advantages and disadvantages of using them.

Pay per click advertising is the sponsored ads you see down the right hand side of the search engine when you type in specific keywords. These adverts are paid for on a; bidding for position style campaign, and you pay a certain amount every time a visitor clicks on that advert. This is a very fast method of getting your business out there quickly but can become extremely expensive especially if you do not know how to maximize results. The secret to this sort of advertising is keyword research; finding relevant keywords with low competition that is going to bring highly targeted traffic to your website for the smallest cost possible.

Business directories are a fairly cheap method of advertising you small online business but it is debatable whether or not it is an effective method of advertising. You can advertise in most of them for free but to get a premium spot you will have to pay a monthly fee which can start to get very expensive, especially if you have several business directories on the go. This type of advertising is only going to be effective if the business directory is easily found when people are searching for related terms of your business.

There are many free methods of advertising your small online business but the majority are very time consuming.

Writing articles on reviews of your products and services or posting blogs are all solid ways of driving potential customers to your website, but a lot of time needs to be spent on these tasks for it to be affective and there is no guarantee you will generate enough traffic for it to warrant the time spent.

Banner advertising is a very effective method of driving customers to your online business. A method called piggy backing is used to harness the traffic from an already highly ranked website to your business website. You place a banner on a related website that is already getting lots of visitors, when people visit that high traffic website they are confronted by a well thought out banner advert which they click on to be redirected to your business.

Banner adverts are designed to collect highly qualified traffic because the potential customers are already searching for related products or services. It is extremely easy to place these banner ads and track their progress, giving you options to tweak their future design and placement, this makes banner advertising an extremely effective form of driving traffic.

When you’re wanting to promote your company or product, and are ready for a lasting presence on the internet, FrogAds is the fastest growing website around and is the place to be seen. Hi, my name is Roger Wadham and I’m the owner of Supa-Clix the only source of discounted advertising rates, corporate or private, on FrogAds.com.

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Internet Marketing Tips – Forum Responsibility

As marketers, we all have a responsibility to the buying public. That responsibility comes in many forms. It comes in the products we sell, in the honesty of our sales pages, in many other things…one of them being how we behave at our favorite marketing forum. This article has been inspired from a recent incident at one of my favorite marketing forums. I think you will find it most sobering and helpful.

Everybody has an opinion. And you know what they say about opinions. Anyway, one of the easiest places to throw your opinion around is at a marketing forum. After all, you’re just a user name there. Who’s going to know who you are or what you really do? It’s easy, when it’s all so anonymous, to just throw the bull around. Well, this is where many forum members enter the world of irresponsibility. I’m going to give you the specific example I’m talking about.

A debate went on about what turns people off from buying a product. Anyway, a few people said that they don’t like long salescopy and that there should be options for people who just like the facts, such as a short sales page. Now, the problem with this is not that they’re expressing their opinion. The problem is, they make it sound like it’s law, like THIS is the way it SHOULD be. The problem with this kind of thinking is simple. I’ll explain why.

A person who is new to the forum, say somebody who is interested in becoming a copywriter, will read these opinions and immediately think to themselves, “Oh boy, these guys don’t like long sales letters so I better make sure mine are short.” They’ve taken these opinions as fact and that is dangerous. The truth is, each person should test to see what works best for them for THEIR product.

Some products, short copy works better. Others, long copy does. There is no one size fits all in marketing. Everything MUST be tested.

However, by expressing YOUR opinion as fact, you are misleading those who are just starting out and accepting everything that is said as the gospel according to whoever. And this is just plain wrong and dangerous. It’s why so many marketers fail. They listen to bad advice laid down as the law.

So please behave responsibly at your favorite forum.

You never know what new marketer is going to be hanging on your every word.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Tired of busting your behind for peanuts online? Go to my web site and find out how I earn a monthly income that exceeds 5 figures and how I can help YOU do the same. Get your free report at http://www.mysecretarticles.com/report.html.

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Frankel Media Group Announces New Associate Creative Director and Expands Public Relations and Digital Media Teams

Gainesville, Fla.

March 19, 2013 (PRWEB) March 19, 2013 — Frankel Media Group (FMG), a full-service marketing communications agency in Gainesville, Florida, continues to expand with the addition of new talent.

The agency has doubled in size annually over the past three years, and this expansion allows the company to focus on building business and the ongoing growth across all departments. Our ability to provide results-driven strategies and fresh creative concepts to our clients is at the forefront of everything we do. Our agencys success is tied directly to the success of our clients, said President and Creative Director, Ryan Frankel.

An award winning designer and creative director, Robert Hedges joins FMG as the new associate creative director. With more than 20 years in the creative industry, Robert applies his cosmopolitan design sense and highly conceptual approach to each marketing challenge across a wide spectrum of mediums. He has led projects for clients such as BP, Heineken and McDonalds, and his work has been acknowledged with industry awards from Red Dot and LIA, to Clio and the American Advertising Federation.

Jennifer Norman joins Frankel Media Group from WCJB TV20, with experience in media sales and planning, broadcast TV promotion and digital design. She has a passion for seeing the creativity of advertising and marketing bring businesses to their optimal growth potential. Jenn is an active member of the Gainesville community, volunteering with the Advertising Federation of Gainesville, Gainesville Chamber Diplomat program and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

With a diverse background in both public relations and marketing, Danna Miller comes to FMG as an account executive having worked in both in-house and agency settings. She has a proven track record of securing extensive media coverage for clients in print, online, radio and broadcast networks. Danna has experience working on national and local accounts, representing clients in the hospitality and retail industries in Atlanta, New York and Florida.

“We are excited to welcome Robert, Jenn and Danna to Frankel Media Group. The success of FMG lies heavily in our team and our ability to attract and retain top-notch talent, Frankel said.


Frankel Media Group (FMG) is a full-service advertising and marketing communications firm headquartered in Gainesville, Florida. Since the companys inception in 2005, FMG has grown to encompass strategic communications research and planning, advertising, digital and social media, public relations and graphic design. The agency has been awarded more than a combined 50 awards by the American Advertising Federation and the Telly Awards, including two Best of Show Awards in the interactive category. FMG works with local, regional and national clients in various industries including state universities, master-planned real estate developments, international truck manufacturers, hospitality, medical, governmental organizations, non-profits and new business startups.

CONTACTS: Danna Miller of Frankel Media Group. +1-352-331-5558, http://www.frankelmedia.com, danna(at)frankelmedia(dot)com

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Email Templates

In this highly digital world that we are living in, it is almost impossible for anyone engage in business and marketing to not to have access to the Internet. For most of us, email communication is an essential platform to execute our marketing efforts. You might have gotten emails from people or businesses that offer interesting proposition and products. These are actually marketing offers targetting multiple recipients and you happened to be on their growing list of target consumers. These are known as email templates actually. Online marketers frequently used these for marketing purposes. Email templates are popular mainly because they offer faster, easier, and more effective solutions to reaching multitude of end users.


There are many email templates available online that marketers can use. Picking templates design, however, is not really as easy as it sounds. To choose a template design entails not just sheer creative look but more importantly, the systematic arrangements of content to give you that marketing edge. Choosing one design to cover all of your target clients is such a difficult challenge. Being aware of the points below, however, will be of great help in optimizing the marketing benefits of email templates.


A simple and easy to comprehend type of email template design in more useful than complex templates. Despite the more advancing digital technology that we can use nowadays, people are more comfortable with simplicity. The tried and tested formula for web design trends is the web 2.0 design approach. Web 2.0 designs are distinctly simple but very easy to access and use. You can try to consult with professional developers and sure enough, they will suggest a simpler approach to template designs. Simple, brief, but concise is more effective in reaching clients via email messages.


Images can grab attention but may not always work when used for marketing via emails. No one can question that fact that images add certain dynamic and aesthetic feel particularly when integrated into the web design using CSS codes. This can be very advantageous if you want to easily get noticed once the recipient opened your message. There is just one single flaw of using images though, more specifically in email messages. Not all email browsers can actually display images. Others may be able to display them but the original HTML layout is often compromised. That is why, most web design experts discourage people from using too much images for email templates. Placing information in pure textual form is actually more effective as these can be displayed in several email browsers.


You also have to make sure that the first few lines or paragraph of your letter is written in a very creative way. The readers usually stop reading or switch over to another email if the first paragraph is boring or does not interest them. Thus, you need to captivate the audience with your creative skills so that they become keen to read the full newsletter. It is recommended that you create the whole newsletter in an interesting way. This requires a lot of market study and research. You need to be well versed with all the marketing techniques and utilize it in the right way. All these factors are really important to create an efficient newsletter and email templates. Thus, this was some important information about email templates and some of the factors to be considered before creating one.

I am Mohan read mathematics at Stanford and remained there for his MS. From 1998-1999 on researched in Evolution and in Animal Behavior in  Camrbidge, UK. I was was then a professor in the departments of Anthropology and Biology, New Jersy College, USA. Now teaches at the department of Zoology. Carried out research in several areas of evolutionary biology, particularly in sexual selection and the comparative method.

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Local Internet Marketing

Building brand recognition for your small local company would be the icing on the wedding cake and for some, this would drive their business to a whole new level. In this post I’m going to break down several local internet marketing tips you can use to promote your business name and also drive a lot more sales and customers to your business just like a magnet.

Have you been lacking sales, customers, and traffic to your shop? This might be due to the existing change that is occurring in the business world. In years past, you could get a good advert in the telephone book and generate a whole bunch of leads like clockwork.

These days, the internet has taken over this specific advertising strategy by storm. It is simply easier to perform a quick research online than it is to get a weighty telephone book to look for a product.

Thus, the very first tip to make a lot more product sales for your small-sized business is to set up some type of web real estate. Hopefully, you have set up a database of the existing repeat buyers who absolutely love your product and wouldn’t mind looking at what you have established on the web.

The best approach here would be to set up a basic capture page with a video on it telling your existing and prospective customers the greatest benefits you have to offer. This is actually a great local internet marketing tactic that can truly change the way you conduct business online.

For example, in the event you own a cafe or restaurant, do a genuine video showing the whole planet your very best dish and how you can prepare it. Furthermore, maybe you would like to hand out your Top 3 recipes in exchange for your potential customers name, email, and phone number. This will begin the communication process, which eventually should direct your prospective customers to visit your establishment.

Secondly, if you would like your local business brandname to go viral, you should create a fan webpage on Facebook. Facebook is undoubtedly in the new light of successful internet marketing. Here is a great tip you can actually take to the bank: When you capture the identity of your current and prospective buyers, reroute them to “Like You” on the fan page.

Quite simply, your fan base at Facebook becomes your very own little crowd who is cheering for you in sense. Whenever your small company has a whole new product come out, discounts, specials, and tips be sure to let the fans know on the fan page. If you are not familiar enough with online marketing you may consider employing a local online marketing consultant.

To learn more about local internet marketing tips, tricks, news, and updates, visit us today at: http://www.colinklinkert.com/local-internet-marketing/

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social media marketing company

Social Media Marketing Company

One of the most effective innovations in the online marketing industry today is the emergence of social media marketing company. Social media marketing is probably one of the most inventive strategies online today that is used to increase a certain online market’s dominance and competence the World Wide Web.

Increasing a certain online market’s competence and dominance on the web is in fact not that easy. For some online marketers, it took them long years of hard work and sleepless nights just to be able to put up their markets on a reasonable rank on search engine results. This is why the emergence of social media industry has been considered as a big break for all online marketers. It gave them a broad access to immense, quality, and more frequent traffic.

The goal of every social media marketer is to make good use of the most dominant social sites as catalysts for his own online market. Basically, this is just what all online marketers want – to be able to dominate the web through means of top social media websites. Why? This is because most dominant social media sites have an outstanding pour in of massive and quality traffic on a day to day basis, which is just a great means of traffic channel for many online marketers’ markets.

Several social media marketing company have been deliberately putting forward quite a lot of social media marketers services, which make marketers even more privileged to achieve an online business that’s on page rank peaks.

But because of the fact that there are already quite a lot of companies who put forth all the same promises, it would be a hassle for several social media marketers, especially beginners, to opt for the company with the best social media marketer assistance.

Fortunately, there have been also quite a number of social media marketing companies who tend to stand out amid the crowd. Infinity Web Solutions is an all-innovative virtual assistance company that has been making quite an excellent reputation for providing exceptional and cheap social media marketers services. Despite of the cost effective investment, professional assistances from social media marketing experts are supplied to clients, provided that their skills can actually prop up your market to top social media sites such as Twitter, Linked In and Facebook are the few. Clients are given total satisfaction as their markets attain dominance in search engines and high page ranks – all thanks to the social media marketing strategies that are dynamically constituted by Infinity Web Solutions.

If you want to gain more about the wonders of social media marketing and what more opportunities it can offer to your online market, you can go to http://www.infinity-web-solutions.com/ to find out. Opt for the best social media marketing service that you can acquire today. Social media marketing industry is absolutely at its peak at this time, so it is best to make the most out of it right away.


Consultancy General Inbound

Internet Marketing – Online Marketing Companies

There are many online marketing companies to choose from in Canada. However, Canadas renowned multimedia center lies in the heart of Montreal. A well known film school is located in Vancouver, and Toronto boasts one of the greatest design arts and multimedia schools in our nation, Sheridan college. However, in Montreal, there are publicly-funded trade schools that allow all talent a chance to perform, as such programs are affordable.

In addition, John Molsons School of Business (JMSB) and McGills business schools, are among the top Canada-wide, producing some of the top marketing and business grads across our nation. Montreal also has access to online marketing programs, and grads can also work affordably for a variety of online marketing companies.

It is important to take the time to evaluate multiple online marketing companies prior to selecting one. Luckily, online marketing companies are ubiquitous, as we witness their work on a daily basis, whether it is, checking email, using Facebook or other social media, scrolling through search results using a search engine.

In fact, there has been a decline in the demand for traditional advertising, while public relations and online marketing companies have been steadily on the rise. This trend will likely continue as revenue from television, radio, and other more traditional media continue to decline. However, such media sources are now taking action to develop their online presences. The result is online radio stations, streaming television programs, podcasting, affiliate marketing and video marketing.

When selecting amongst the myriad of online marketing companies that all proclaim to be #1, a thorough background check, consisting of certifications, references, and a thorough overview of their accomplishments, should be weighted against the price-points that each respective online marketing company is requesting. In addition, a local presence helps get an idea of the people behind the technology. Ideally, your prospective online marketing companies will meet with you, and will take the time to develop effective online marketing strategy. At the very least, I would recommend a few Skype or MSN or GTALK chat, voice, and video discussions prior to signing an agreement.

Emran Rashid
Project Manager at Omnivision Design

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Internet Marketing For Small Businesses

Most small businesses do not understand the value of the internet niche marketing in relation to growing their bottom line. You really CAN add more revenue online even if you do not have a physical product that you can ship to a customer outside your region.

They key is to understand that, as a business owner with a product or service to offer, you possess one of the most sought after items on the internet. That product is information. If you really think about what people use the internet for on a daily basis you will realize that the average person does not go shopping everyday online. Unless they have a very specific item they are looking to buy, most purchases result from stumbling across an item that they cannot do without but did not realize they needed.

The majority of searches done on a daily basis is the search for information on a wide variety of topics. They research problems they have. They look for information to comparison shop. They search for ways to improve the quality of their lives.

If you do not currently have a product that you can sell to the masses to grow your small business online, all you have to do is create a simple information product or report that you can sell online. The key is to know what product to create. You will find this out by researching your market and finding a profitable niche that is ready and waiting for the information you can supply.

In my niche marketing course I use the example of a small business that installs laminate flooring. This person is not likely to go outside their region to sell a job and laminate flooring is not a product that would lend itself well to shipping to customers outside their local area because of the cost of shipping.

So how could this small business owner grow his bottom line through niche marketing? We all know that home renovations and do it yourself projects have become a very hot market.

This small business owner could get out his video camera and do a little do-it-yourself instructional video teaching people all of the tips and tricks of an experienced installer.

I know if I was a homeowner about to tackle installing a floor for the first time I would do my homework and find as much info as possible. I would not hesitate to pay a reasonable price for advise and instructions from an expert. And I am not alone. Many people would pay for that information.

The best part of this situation is that once your instructional video is created, there is no more work on your part to create any additional products. You have one product that you sell over and over again on autopilot to as many people as you can reach.

The next questions is how do you reach buyers? Again you do the market research and find targeted niche keywords that have low competition and you begin to build the foundation of your marketing campaign. It really is drop dead easy if you have the proper information.

I used the exact same niche marketing principles and took my small seasonal business and turned it into a 12 month per year money maker. It isn’t rocket science and it isn’t difficult. It just requires the right information to get you started. Once you understand how, you can continue to grow your bottom line anytime you want to add more revenue to your small business.

Cathy Henry of profitable-niches.com is an experienced internet marketer who took a small seasonal business and turned it into a full-time business with 6 figures a year online sales for the past 5 consecutive years.

Consultancy General Inbound

Top Toronto-Based Online Marketing Company Numero Uno Web Solutions Announces its Top Tips for Seamlessly Integrating Content Marketing and SEO

Toronto, Ontario (PRWEB) March 17, 2013

Numero Uno Web Solutions (NumeroUnoWeb.com), a fast-growing global Internet marketing firm that caters to small- and mid-sized business-to-consumer companies, is pleased to announce its top tips for integrating content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) to achieve better results.

As the experts at Numero Uno Web Solutions explain, content marketing is the art of creating online content that connects with visitors and generates leads. SEO is about creating search engine-friendly content. Once viewed as very different strategies, SEO and content marketing are now seen as mutually inclusive techniques that help drive traffic and get sites to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

According to the SEO experts, studies show that 86% of business-to-consumer marketers employ content marketing. More than half plan to increase their efforts in 2013. And businesses that use keyword-rich online content consistently rank higher on SERPs for their targeted keywords.

Content marketing is essential because it works. And its getting more and more popular, says Marco Reuter, Business Development Manager at Numero Uno Web Solutions. If small- and medium-sized firms are not invested in content marketing, they are at risk of losing business to other savvy e-commerce organizations that are.

According to Numero Uno Web Solutions top tips, to create an effective content marketing campaign, businesses need to understand their audience so they can provide original, relevant information that addresses questions related to the industry and the companyand is both entertaining and shareable.

Effective content marketing also means developing a communication strategy that incorporates a varied number of fresh content marketing approaches, including YouTube videos, blog posts, articles, and so on, adds Reuter. To develop an audience, content marketing also needs to be shared across various social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

To stay ahead in todays business-to-consumer marketing environment, small- and medium-sized businesses need to hire a professional online marketing company that has a proven track record of seamlessly integrating SEO and content marketing that drives traffic, builds links, and increases online visibility and authority, conclude the SEO experts.

Numero Uno Web Solutions is one of the top Internet marketing firms due to constant innovation and overall customer satisfaction. For more information on Numero Uno Web Solutions, and to discover how the company can help maximize your companys search engine optimization and online presence, visit http://numerounoweb.com/sitescore/. Or call Numero Uno Web Solutions toll-free at 1-855-SEO-XPRT (1-855-736-9778).

Consultancy General Inbound


All Star Trek fans know the mantra: “Space, the final frontier.” That does sound grand and distant but in the business world the final frontier is not far off in Alpha Centuri. Instead of being light years away, the cosmic fields are found on the Internet. It is here where desktop pioneers move forward, bringing products and services to people all over the globe. Internet marketing services are part and parcel of any effective sales strategy. They are employed to maximize the cyber presence of a company and help generate sales through Internet commerce.

The techniques used in marketing in cyberspace have become very sophisticated over the years. Increasingly more attenSmall Cap Stocks are stocks issued by companies with a relatively small market capitalization. Definitions among brokers vary but generally include companies that have a capitalization somewhere between a few hundred million and $ 2 billion. Small Cap Stock Alerts tip off traders and investors whether new or seasoned, to possible advantages that they may garner by putting their money into one or more of these financial instruments.

The subject of Small Cap Stock Alerts present unusual opportunities for investors who want to beat large investment institutions at their own game. These investors in the larger institutions are restricted from owning more than a set portion of a single company’s shares. Since small cap stocks do not carry a large price tag, it is difficult for big investors to buy a portion that would make for a meaningful investment. In order to do so, they would have to file a request with the SEC.

This would essentially nullify whatever gains they hoped for by inflating the price of the stock once other investors see their sudden interest.

Small Cap Stock Alerts also include information on penny stocks. Both types of investment s are similar in their potential rewards and their dangers. Each is renowned for sudden surges in prices. Quick-thinking investors can take advantage of these sometimes atypical fluctuations and effect significant profits. However, these smaller companies are also generally less established than large cap stocks and run a higher risk of failing altogether and with their failure go your entire investment.

There is also less information available about small cap stocks and penny stocks. This makes your research task that much more difficult and time consuming. Investing in an established stock after reading the copious amount of data about its operations and general business model is fairly easy. With smaller stocks and penny stocks, that vital information in not always forthcoming and most times nonexistent. The value of Small Cap Stock Alerts providing data, however minimal, about these lesser known stocks is invaluable.

One recommendation that Small Cap Stock Alerts will make available to investors considering these stocks is a stop loss order. This program will automatically sell your stock when it reaches a pre-arranged price. This may invariably incur a loss, but save you from disaster if the company is on its way to the stock graveyard. This minimizes the risk without obstructing the opportunities for gain if the stock experiences a rise in price.tion is being paid to the use of Meta tags, key word content, and effective use of visuals. One marketing service that is a smart choice is an analytics program. Analytics are used to help measure the effectiveness of any Internet marketing effort by analyzing the demographics of the visits to a site. This allows a company to pinpoint what is working, what is not, and what deficiencies in the overall cyber marketing strategy needs to be corrected. Pay per click is often used to bring traffic in. The design of the webpage itself can be used to keep a person on site long enough to make a purchasing decision.

Innovation is creating even more Internet marketing tools. Google AdSense services are now frequently used, but it is the social networks that have become major parts of any successful Internet marketing. Once just considered places to chat and gossip with friends, Facebook and Twitter are Internet marketing services that play a part in generating desired sales figures. Proper use of them translates into the kind of profits that allow a business to grow and flourish.

There is a fact of business life that an executive always keeps in mind. In business a terrible thing happens when a sale is not made: nothing. No sale means no profit and could mean no jobs if it happens too often. A good Internet marketing campaign has the mission of seeing to it that a business doesn’t face that kind of calamity. The web creates as much competition as it does opportunity, and solid Internet exposure is critical. The urgency notwithstanding, a business does have to be selective about Internet marketing services. The message has to be sent out and the right demographics need to be reached. A poor provider is wasted dollars because the service rendered ordinarily will not produce the needed sales results.

It’s easy to find a leader in the Internet marketing services arena. A highly regarded company, it provides both products and services to help a company maneuver its way through the virtual space avenues of the Internet. Sensitive to the needs of its customers and clients, this Internet marketing service provider seeks to furnish maximum return on investment. It’s marketing expertise is the reason why so many successful companies makes use of Weblistings.biz services. It is a valuable tool in building an Internet presence that will generate sales and profits.

Internet marketing services – Jcyber is a premier internet marketing service provider in the industry and are dedicated to using all available and ethical Internet marketing options to take your business to the next level.