Consultancy General Inbound

Search Realty Addresses the Common Misconceptions about Condo Ownership

Mississauga, Ontario (PRWEB) June 08, 2013

A new trend has begun to emerge that reveals that homebuyers are now opting for a condo over a single-family home. A condominium can provide a less expensive entry into the housing market and is also a low-maintenance downsizing option for seniors.

However, there are plenty of misconceptions about condominium ownership, which can deter potential home buyers from even considering them as a purchase option. Search Realty is an experienced and driven real estate brokerage and is quick to dispel some of the most common condo misconceptions.

A condo is like home ownership, but there are differences. When you buy a condo for sale, you do become a homeowner, but condo ownership involves shared ownership. The condo owner has every right to make changes to their unit, but doesnt have the same freedom when it comes to common elements (i.e. lobby, pool, gym). Thus, a condo owner doesnt have the same free rein as one would in a house.

Some other changes, such as plumbing and electrical, would also require viewing condominium rules, as some condos require the use of a qualified professional, and would not allow permission for changes to someone who plans a do-it-yourself job. As well, there are portions of the actual unit purchased that are referred to as common property, which includes windows, patios and balconies. Thus, when it comes to common property within the unit itself, the condo owner doesnt have free rein to make changes there as well.

With this shared property, the condo owner will undoubtedly have to pay condo fees, sometimes known as maintenance fees, which is used to maintain the property. And this condo fee applies, whether or not the condo owner actually even utilizes that shared property. For example, the condo owner may never step foot in the pool, but will still be required to pay condo fees, some of which will go towards pool maintenance.

This leads to another misconception, which is that some portion of these condo fees is basically money down the drain. After all, they are an additional expense, compared to owning a house, where no maintenance fees are required. However, these fees arent the unnecessary drain that people are led to believe. It is important to realize that whats included in that condo fee are generally the buildings upkeep and maintenance, but may also include heat, water, sewer, and garbage collection. In a nutshell, those condo fees are simply paying to maintain that condo lifestyle that the condo owner desired in the first place.

Moreover, condo owners viewing an MLS listing shouldnt look at condo fees as a waste, because owning a home isnt necessarily a bargain when it comes to maintenance and upkeep. There are expenses that come with a house, pertaining to mowing the lawn, shoveling the snow, fixing the roof, etc. Its important to note as well that where the money collected from condo fees is directed, is the responsibility of the condo board of directors. And this board is made up of owners just like the condo owner. Thus, no one is profiting from the condo fees associated with a condo.

Many of the misconceptions that prevent homebuyers from considering a condominium are mainly due to the potential homebuyer not fully understanding how condo ownership works and exactly what the condo owner is responsible for. In a single-family dwelling, owners will have more control, which can make expenditures easier to swallow and perhaps less noticeable. On the other end, buying a condo leads to less hassle in maintaining the property which frees up more time for the condo owner to do other things. When thinking about buying a condo, Search Realty points to the benefits, such as less upkeep, security, and amenities, which can sway the balance of a potential home buyer into choosing a condo over a single family home.

Search Realty Corp.,Brokerage is a real estate company utilizing the best tools and technology to serve the needs of todays Home Buyers, Sellers and REALTORS

Consultancy General Inbound

Patient-Centered Medical Home Program Trims Expected Health Care Costs by $98 Million in Second Year

Baltimore, Md. (PRWEB) June 06, 2013

In the second-year (2012) of one of the nations earliest, large-scale Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) programs, health care costs for 1 million CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst) members covered by the effort were $ 98 million less than the company projected. The results represent a savings of 2.7 percent on the total projected 2012 health care costs for PCMH-covered members and improve upon the 1.5 percent savings against projected costs registered by the program in 2011.

Approximately 66 percent of participating primary care panels groups of physicians that join together to participate in the PCMH program earned increased reimbursements for their 2012 performance in the program. Increased reimbursement levels or Outcome Incentive Awards (OIAs) are based on a combination of savings achieved by a particular panel against projected 2012 total care costs for CareFirst members and performance on quality measures related to the provision of care to the panels patients.

These results are encouraging, said CareFirst President and CEO Chet Burrell. The PCMH program was designed with the goal of bending the health care cost trend, and our second year results suggest that the program is having just such an impact. In addition, more participating panels achieved savings and the vast majority of those who did so in 2011 were able to sustain those results in 2012. It is a measurable and meaningful step in the right direction of slowing the rise of health care costs.

Currently, nearly 3,600 primary care providers (primary care physicians and nurse practitioners) participate in CareFirsts PCMH program. One hundred-ninety six of the 297 eligible panels (66 percent) earned OIAs for the 2012 program year; 60 percent of panels earned OIAs in the programs first year. The level of OIA for each Panel is based on both the level of quality and degree of savings achieved by the participants of the Panel.

2012 PCMH program highlights:

Primary care panels earning OIAs achieved an average 4.7 percent savings against expected 2012 care costs.
Panels that did not earn OIAs registered costs that averaged 3.6 percent higher than expected in 2012; an improvement over 2011 performance when panels that did not earn an OIA recorded costs 4 percent higher than expected.
74 percent of panels that earned OIAs in 2011 earned them again in 2012, meaning their patients registered lower than expected total health care costs for two consecutive years.
On average, Panels earning OIAs will see an increase in their reimbursement level of 29 percentage points. This increase is in addition to a 12 percentage point increase paid to all participants that continue to remain in good standing in the PCMH program.
Quality scores for panels that earned OIAs were 3.7 percent higher than for panels that did not earn OIAs in 2012. Overall, quality scores for PCMH panels rose by 9.3 percent from 2011 to 2012 a significant one year increase.

While the numbers are important, they dont tell the entire story, said Burrell. We are now well into the third year of the PCMH program, and we have created an infrastructure of nursing support, easily-accessible online tools and data, and targeted health programs that make it possible for primary care providers to more effectively manage care for their sickest patients in a more coordinated fashion than ever before. Thousands of our members are benefitting directly from this care coordination and that impact will grow substantially as the program matures.

CareFirst launched its PCMH program in January 2011. Today, more than 1 million CareFirst members are patients of physicians participating in the PCMH program. Nearly 80 percent of all eligible primary care physicians in CareFirst physician networks participate in the PCMH program.

The early success and promise of the PCMH program encouraged us to seek and secure an Innovation Challenge Grant from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to expand the PCMH model to our areas Medicare population, said Burrell. Medicare beneficiaries, who frequently have complex health needs and multiple chronic health conditions, could benefit greatly from the coordinated model of care offered through our PCMH. We expect to launch our CMS-funded Maryland Medicare PCMH pilot this summer and will continue to look for ways to expand the model.

Additional Info:

News Release on 1st-Year PCMH Program Results

About CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

In its 76th year of service, CareFirst, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, is a not-for-profit health care company which, through its affiliates and subsidiaries, offers a comprehensive portfolio of health insurance products and administrative services to 3.4 million individuals and groups in Maryland, the District of Columbia and Northern Virginia. In 2012, CareFirst contributed nearly $ 57 million to community programs designed to increase the accessibility, affordability, safety and quality of health care throughout its market areas. To learn more about CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, visit our website at http://www.carefirst.com or follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/CareFirst_News.


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ABC’s Of Choosing Professionals Who Can Help You In Making A Social Media Marketing Plan


With social networking sites there are endless possibilities, especially for businesses and companies. If you have a business of your own you should make it a point to opt for social media marketing. Through this new form of marketing, you will not only be able to attract and retain customers, You will also be able to make your presence felt in the industry. Your profits will grow manifold and you will be successful in promoting your business to a large number of people. However, the first step of starting with such marketing activities is to make proper social media marketing plan.


When it comes to social media marketing online, there are loads of things to do. You need to make a profile in the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. You need to maintain and update your profile daily. You can also add different applications, which will engage and entertain the visitors to your site. In addition to that you can start many events for your potential customers to participate. All these activities need to be done in a planned manner. Remember, networking sites are turfs where you can communicate with your existing and potential customers in their own turf. So, do not miss this opportunity. You should leave no stone unturned to use the full potential of such sites for the benefit of your business.


If you are inexperienced in making a feasible social media marketing plan, it is better to let experts handle such matters. However, you should make it a point to hire the services of only the best professionals.

It is not much difficult to choose such professionals if you know how to do it. Internet is where you can look for such professionals. There are many reputed social media service providers who are providing such services. You can check customer reviews and testimonials online, which will give you ideas regarding the quality of services you can expect from the professionals you are choosing. Visit the website of each service provider. You will be able to find all the information you require about the company and the professional.


So, you can see that you should let a professional handle social media marketing plan and see your business grow within a short period of time.

Sarah Dessen is prolific writer and an expert in social media marketing with years’ worth of experience. She has authored several articles on the growing trends of social media marketing and has helped many individuals to generate more profit.

Consultancy General Inbound

Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze.com Advertises Target Focus Training as the Only Self Defense System It Endorses; Reviews-Domain.com Provides Review

(PRWEB) June 04, 2013

Tim Larkin and his Target Focus Training enterprise have practically become ubiquitous in the realm of self defense and protection. A brief visit to Larkin’s Target Focus Training website will quickly prove why he is the man to be trusted when it comes to self protection.

States Larkin, “It doesnt matter how active, athletic, coordinated or healthy you arewhether a shredded MMA fighter, couch potato, a stay-at-home mom, even a grandmother… all can quickly learn to neutralize even multiple armed attackers! The fact is anyone can learn how to use lethal force.”

Philosophically speaking, perhaps this Larkin quote best sums up his approach: “causing injury to the other guy Is the ONLY thing that allows you to walk away… alive.” He provides video and other real-life instances which corroborate this claim.

Larkin argues that we live in a very dangerous time, and often cannot rely on the availability of guns and knives for protection of self and family, citing several viable instances where this reality rings menacingly true. He laments that the majority of people who hear about his Target Focus Training system are either “too busy” to listen, or quickly conclude that, “it will never happen to me.”

Says John Taggart, chief editor at reviews-domain.com, “We certainly don’t live in the days of our parents or grandparents, and with a societal trend toward morbid curiosity, mindless violence, kidnappings, bullying, and all other manner of irreputable social interaction, perhaps more people should take a listen to Larkin and get prepared.”

“In the same way that a person buys insurance in the case of an auto accident or house fire,” says Larkin, “why is it not considered imperative to insure oneself with knowledge of self-protection using our natural tools?”

Continues Larkin, “Chaos in violence is a given. It comes on as a bewildering mess and doesnt change until someone does something specific to change it. The sword that cleaves that Gordian Knot is debilitating injury, where you take away his ability to think and move, or both. The first one to get it doneand knows what to do with itwins. Not the first to move, or the first to strike but the first to injure.”

In other words, “The guy attacking you wishes great harm to you, so you best know how to force him into inaction for your own protection and those under your care.”

Click Here for free training videos which Tim Larkin is giving away right now, or here for the review, or here for his popular Human Weapon series.

This reviews-domain.com review is for people who are serious about being prepared in real-life danger situations. If you are simply looking to be the next MMA groupie to buy some gloves and a bag, keep browsing. Author, Editor, and well-protected person John Taggart is dead serious about defining the difference between fighting for sport and fighting for safety, or perhaps your life. Thus, Johns focus on Target Focus Training is purposeful, highlighted as a program that has philosophy and system unabashedly in favor of brutality-by-necessity.

Consultancy General Inbound

Social Media Optimization for 2011

Social media optimization is similar to that used for the search engines. The goal of optimizing social media is to bring together large numbers of people in a specific website. Social Media Optimization can also be used to determine if a web site that you started will be a success or fail with consumers.

Social media are online tools and platforms that can be used to share opinions, ideas and perspectives, can take many forms, such as text, images, audio and video. The most popular optimization social media are currently the blogs, podcasts, forums, blogs, and wikis. This concept is something that creates a community where people can meet. These media optimization normally includes websites that can be used as a platform to send marketing messages.

Optimizing your site for social media is not something that can be forced. It is considered a type of market traction, and it only works if people are attracted to your site. The search engine optimization has clear goals. Webmasters who use search engine optimization want to have a site that is well positioned on search engines.

The goals of webmasters who are trying to use optimization to social media include: an increase in links to your site, get that people can easily check, inbound links and help your journey through the Web content. The rule that webmasters who want to optimize for social media need to learn is to reward users with valuable (helpful), and need to ensure that they are a resource for the user.

Webmasters who are using optimization techniques for media must know your target audience. You need to know what attracts you to that particular group of people.

It is important to remember that the same did not like the whole world. While optimizing for social media is a relatively new concept, some people believe this will be one of the top seven marketing trends of the near future.

Social media optimization is something that encourages a fun social environment. Enjoy!

Social Media in 2010

1.  Most companies surveyed have adopted social media in the past 18 months.
2.  The platforms used are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs.
3.  The main objective sought by these means is to build brand.
4.  Media agencies, advertising and marketing are the leaders in the adoption of these means.
5.  The lack of time, resources and qualified personnel, as well as confidentiality concerns is the main obstacles in using social media.
6.  Less than 15% of companies using social media are measuring the return on investment.
7.  60% of respondents who do use them do not have much confidence in the strategies.

So we can say now that social media has very bright future that’s why more & more SEO professionals also being expert in social media marketing. After seeing an overview of social media popularity in 2010 we can assume in 2011 social media will get hype and reach on top of other mediums of marketing.

So try your luck in social media and get success in online marketing.

Take an advantage of social media from eRocketFuel which is Social Networking Agency in Chicago. eRocketfuel also provide web design service like small business web design Chicago.

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Consultancy General Inbound

Estrella Hamui Earns International Designation for Luxury Home Marketing Expertise

Sunny Isles Beach, FL (PRWEB) June 02, 2013

Estrella Hamui, president of Sunny Isles Realty Group in Sunny Isles Beach, FL has earned the prestigious Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist designation in recognition of her experience, knowledge and expertise in the luxury home market. Hamui has also been elevated to the Million Dollar Guild status by The Institute of Luxury Real Estate Marketing and further distinguished as an established expert with the ability to help clients buy and sell South Florida homes in the million-dollar and above market. The Million Dollar Guild designation is reserved for The Institute of Luxury Home Marketing members who are specialists in these types of residential properties and estates not only for clients based in South Florida, but nationwide and internationally.

Im always on a quest to provide outstanding service to my clients, said Hamui. The Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist designation is evidence of my ability to meet the needs of Sunny Isles Beach and Aventura’s affluent buyers and sellers. My membership in The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing also provides me with marketing tools and networking capabilities that benefit my clients.

Additionally, Hamui was recognized by the prestigious Institute for Luxury Home Marketing for her recent performance in the million-dollar and above luxury home market. Members of the Million Dollar Guild are Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialists (CLHMS) who have documented their success in assisting affluent buyers and sellers with million-dollar properties. The recognitions are awarded by the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, which trains real estate agents in the luxury home market and awards international designations to those who meet stringent performance standards.

Realizing that the commitment is more than just herself, her marketing director Bob Levin, of Transformational Outsourcing, a leading social media marketing company in South Florida also attended the training. Bob Levin of Transformational Outsourcing will create and implement the marketing plan that will allow Estrella to succeed in her endeavors. “It is one thing gaining knowledge, it is another to manifest,” according to Levin.

Hamui is an award-winning real estate professional who has gone through special training and met performance standards in the upper tier market. She has been in real estate since 2000 and specializes in luxury condos such as Mansions of Acqualina and Regalia Miami.

For current information on the luxury home market, contact Estrella Hamui Realty at 305-507-7422 or send an e-mail to Estrella at estrella(at)sunnyislesrealtygroup(dot)com.

About Estrella Hamui and Sunny Isles Realty Group

Estrella Hamui has been selling luxury properties in the greater Sunny Isles Beach and Aventura for 15 years. Her expertise is the unique understanding of the value in the South Florida condo market which is the major contributor to her success. Since selling luxury real estate takes time, devotion, skill, and commitment, Estrella Hamui has committed to continuing education that is necessary to be able to best service her clientele. Estrella Hamui and her team at Sunny Isles Realty Group is dedicated to the philosophy that they need to provide their clients with service that is tailored to their needs. Hamui is an active member of the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing and has been awarded the Certified Luxury Home Marketing designation.

About Transformational Outsourcing

Transformational Outsourcing is one of the leading Social Media Marketing companies in South Florida, and can offer small businesses a variety of online marketing services that can help clients get noticed, build their credibility and stand out from their competition. They offer a wide range of social media and marketing services including blogging, Facebook management, twitter management, email nurturing, writing PR releases, SEO and blogging. For more information, please visit http://www.transformationaloutsourcing.com.

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Consultancy General Inbound

Pointe South Real Estate Sales Launches New TeamPointeSouth.com Website

Perdido Key, FL (PRWEB) May 30, 2013

Pointe South Real Estate Sales — a locally owned and operated company in Pensacola and Perdido Key — announces the new TeamPointeSouth.com website, offering a comprehensive introduction to Pointe Souths Gulf Coast real estate services, helpful hints and tools to start the buying or selling process, home listings, area information and more.

At Pointe South, we are always looking for innovative ways to bring the highest levels of service and experience to our customers, and the new TeamPointeSouth.com website really helps sets us apart in the competitive Gulf Coast condo and home market, said Pointe South Owner and Broker Susan Carleton.

The custom design on the new TeamPointeSouth.com provides an intimate, user-friendly experience for home buyers and sellers to familiarize themselves with Pointe South, its agents and their listings, and even search the entire Pensacola MLS. When a buyer finds a home they love, direct contact information for each Pointe South realtor can be found on the site, and buyers can try out the handy online Mortgage Calculator to get a feel for the monthly payment.

Owner Susan Carleton is closely connected within the communities Pointe South services — including Perdido Key, Pensacola Beach, Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, Navarre Beach and Orange Beach — and the website reflects her and the teams expertise through insights into the different areas as well as current market trends in both the residential and commercial segments.

Additional TeamPointeSouth.com features that showcase the companys innovation include direct connections to Pointe South social media platforms, such as a Facebook link on the sidebar and blog with market reports, area news and tips for buying and selling real estate.

Established in 1995, Pointe South is a proven leader with a full range of services to suit every taste, budget and dream of playing, staying and living along the shores of the Gulf Coast. Pointe South Real Estate Sales, comprised of more than 30 area agents, is led by Owner and Broker Susan Carleton, a Pensacola native who has been in real estate sales for more than 17 years. Susan started her real estate career with Pointe South when she moved to Perdido Key in 1996, and her success has helped grow the business to three offices in Pensacola, Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key. In addition to the successful real estate business, Pointe South represents nearly 470 properties with their Perdido Key vacation rental and Perdido Key and Pensacola residential leasing divisions. Pointe South is part of the Southern Management Group of companies.

For more information about Pointe South, visit http://www.TeamPointeSouth.com or call 850.492.1826.

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Consultancy General Inbound

GreenCell Technologies Investor Relations

GreenCell Technologies GT5 investor information can be contacted on GreenCell Technologies Inc. 7-21 Industry Street, Aurora, Ontario L4G 1X6 investors (at) greencelltek.com. GreenCell Technologies trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Open Market Symbol: GT5

Press Releases are issued online by EquityStoryAG. Seitzstrasse 23, 80538 Munich, Germany

GreenCell Technologies Inc  is a Canadian company dedicated to designing and bringing to market, technology-based products in the alternative energy market. The current product is called the HydroCell, an on-board on-demand hydrogen generator engineered specifically for Diesel Transport Trucks.

Listed on the Frankfurt Exchange: GT5 – Last Trade

The HydroCell produces Hydrogen Gas, on demand, and adds it to the air drawn into a diesel engine. This small quantity of Hydrogen has large effects on the combustion process. The result is approximately 10% fuel savings and up to a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (nitrous oxides, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide).

GreenCell Tek GT5 is also involved in the Solar Energy market. We are currently conducting research and developing strategies to open an alternative energy division that will offer product, consultation and installation services for the Canadian market.

The HYDROCELL system is a safe and reliable product designed exclusively for the Diesel Transport Truck market. The HYDROCELL draws only 25 Amps from the vehicles 12 Volt system and generates enough hydrogen through-out the entire RPM range to enhance combustion.

Top Gear Special Event Ft Lotus Elise (GT5) Sports


GreenCell Technologies advanced feedback system monitors several conditions and adjusts the electrolysis process, to provide safe and efficient production of Hydrogen gas. The system was designed to operate in a temperature range of -40 to +60C and has an in-cab indicator to show system status. Installation requires no modification to the engine and does not affect the manufacturer’s warranty. The only maintenance needed is the addition of distilled water every 250 hours of operation.

It has been proven in validated tests that adding Hydrogen to fuel in an internal combustion engine will increase the flame speed. At various RPM’s the fuel that is present in the cylinder is not completely burned during the combustion cycle due to the flame speed of petroleum based fuels and the amount of time the combustion cycle is allowed, due to engine speed and load. The addition of Hydrogen gas increases that flame speed and allows for all the fuel in the cylinder to be burned during each combustion cycle. This increases the power produced during that cycle which results in a net savings in fuel use of 10% on average. Greenhouse Gas emissions are also reduced significantly as the major cause of those emissions is un-burnt fuel in the exhaust. Average of 10% Fuel Saving, Produces Hydrogen on demand, Operates only when engine is running, Low Maintenance – requires water every 200 operating hours and Fail-Safe design – stores no Hydrogen.

Applications are for Transport Trucks, School Busses, Municipal Heavy Equipment – Snow-Plows – Garbage & Recycle Trucks, Farm Heavy Equipment – Tractors – Sprayers/Bailers & Harvesters, Construction Heavy Equipment – Bulldozers – Dump Trucks – Black-Hoes and Diesel-Electric Generators.

GT5 GreenCell Technologies Inc  is a Canadian company dedicated to designing and bringing to market, technology-based products in the alternative energy market. The current product is called the HydroCell, an on-board on-demand hydrogen generator engineered specifically for Diesel Transport Trucks.

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Consultancy General Inbound

Social Media Marketing Services – Social Media Optimization Services, Social Media Networking Services

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a type of marketing which uses social media websites as a medium for business. Some of the popular social media websites are Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, LinkedIn, etc. Social media websites are a wonderful way to make your business grow and make your product, service, or talent popular. Because of the benefits of social media marketing, many business owners are opting to market their products and services through social media websites. Social media optimization is one of the newest technologies used to drive quality traffic to a website and make the website popular. There are various processes involved in social media optimization, including:

Social Networking Website Registration

To get recognized on social networking websites like Facebook, Orkut, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., it is necessary to register your company details with those websites. You can also prepare profiles and pages for your company as well as post blogs with links on relevant keywords in these social networking websites. Registering your company on social networking websites generates many back links for the website and improves the ranking of the website in search engines. You can also post a daily tweet on Twitter to make your website popular and generate back links for the website.

Maintaining Social Media Optimization

Once you have registered your company’s name on social networking websites, you need to maintain your presence on those social networking websites.

This can be done by posting blogs, status updates, tweets, etc. on social networking websites. You can also join groups and post information about your products and services on the Walls of those groups to increase the popularity of your products and services. You can increase your network by adding more friends to your account as well as increasing fans of your Facebook business page. Regular status postings on the Wall of your Facebook business page can be very beneficial. Tweets should also be posted regularly so that new people joining Twitter can know about your products and services.

Social Media Optimization Services

You need to hire a social media marketing company to provide efficient social media optimization services, including registering on social networking websites, video optimization, blog posting, creating groups, managing groups, joining groups, uploading photographs, posting statuses regularly, posting tweets regularly, and many more activities on social networking websites necessary to increase back links to your website and the popularity of your website. However, social media optimization, also known as social media marketing, is done not only to promote products and services, but also to build strong relationships with consumers by interacting with them and sharing interesting information with them through social networking websites. For more information on social media optimization services provided by experienced social media marketing experts, visit http://www.universalpositions.com.

Article written by Elite Internet Technologies, a SEO company in USA offering SEO services, video optimization, social media marketing, mobile search engine optimization, PPC campaign management and website design services. Visit www.universalpositions.com for more details.

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Consultancy General Inbound

Internet Marketing Forums Rock – Why I Like Forums

Internet marketing forums are a great source of knowledge. There are internet marketing forums for thousands of different niches. People congregate in these forums and talk about anything that has to do with their niche. It is a place to establish relationships with peers.

Each internet marketing forum has its own guidelines. When you first enter a forum and sign up as a member, you need to find out the rules. You usually fill in your profile information and some other data, and maybe post your photo. You also create a signature link, which is the link that is going to be shown under your name every time you make a post. These signature links usually link back to your website or promotion.

Some of the forums will not allow you to show a signature until you have a certain amount of posts. Other rules are, for example, that you cannot contact another member directly or post an offer for a product or service until you have a certain number of posts, or contributions.

People get to ask all kinds of questions at forums, and other members will follow the thread and add comments, suggestions, answers, or whatever they want to contribute. Some threads get multiple replies and last for a long time.

In the internet marketing forums you really get to hear what people are dealing with and the problems and struggles that they are having, as well as their successes and insights. There is also a lot of input from people offering solutions and help. You have newbies, and you have experienced internet marketers, and everybody shares their perspectives.

I specialize in the Internet Marketing information niche, and my favorite is the Warrior Forum.

There are some great internet marketers in this forum, and I have learned a lot from them. I really feel that I find the answers to my questions even while reading other people’s threads. Many times I have found new information that I was not aware of that has helped me a lot. People contribute real gems of knowledge and advice in this forum.

I have also met people who offer very specialized services, that are truly excellent. If you need a certain kind of information, don’t hesitate to ask in the forum. You will invariably be directed to the right source.

I find internet marketing forums very refreshing in that they are one place you are not going to hear the sales pitches that you get bombarded with in emails every day. I really can trust most of what I hear in the forums because people are exposing their views and their knowledge and discussing it. If someone is not correct about something, he will be called on it. So there is like a forum police that won’t let you get away with BS.

Just tonight I started a thread at a forum. Someone had taken one of my articles and posted it on his blog, which is fine. He did leave my name as the author, but he had removed my links and inserted some of his links in the body of my article, which I believe is totally wrong. But I realized that this was an authority blog, and that if I asked him to remove his links he would probably remove my article from his blog. So I thought it was probably better to let it go so that he would keep my article, and that way I get exposure. So I ran it by the forum, and got great feedback. They confirmed my way of thinking, and also offered some other options that I have.

To me internet marketing forums are the best way to meet other people in my niche, as well as the best source of education. I make it a habit to visit the forums at least every other day, and also to contribute and offer content.

The best tip I received in a forum was finding an article marketing directory which is owned by one of the members of the forum. I followed a thread which led me to this person. I contacted him because I read that he was an excellent article marketer. He then told me about his service, which is second to none. I really recommend his site for article marketing: Internet Marketing Forum referral.

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